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•Chapter Twenty-Three•


Time passed by quickly, a little too quickly. The past twenty days I spent at the Cameron's, occasionally staying at my house and then going back to the Cameron residence and hanging out with my best friends.

Today, was the day I was least looking forward to. Rafe was leaving and wouldn't be back until a month and a half. It was the first of September and I wouldn't be able to see him until the mid of October. It was still pretty warm in Barbados this time of year and that's why they always went every year before the cold weather started.

I sat on his bed, watching him finish up packing. Topper was in Sarah's room, probably doing the same. Anybody who saw the two of them, would most likely think they were together. It was evident that they both liked each other but they didn't acknowledge it any further than what they've been doing which was just spending time with each other.

I sighed out loud as he zipped up his second suitcase, he looked up at me and frowned. "I don't like this anymore than you do, pretty girl" He sighed and walked towards me.

"I know" I breathed out and let him cup my face in his hands to examine every detail of it. My lips formed into a small smile at seeing his icy blues stare down at me.

"I'm gonna miss you" He shook his head and placed a kiss to my lips. When he backed away, he pulled something off his finger and handed it to me.

I looked down at it and it was his ring, his favorite ring."I want you to wear this until I get back, just a little reminder that I'll still be with you" He winked and slipped it onto the chain I had on around my neck. When he clasped the chain back around my neck, I reached down and ran my thumb across his ring.

I smiled up at him and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. "I'm gonna miss you more" I sighed again.

"Oh, I got you this" I said as he reminded me of it since he gave me something of his. "It's a picture of me so you won't forget what I look like, or when you're looking at hotter girls" I frowned.

He took the photo and scoffed, "You think I care about other girls? No, I only care about you and it's always going to stay that way" He gave me a disappointing glare before tucking the picture in his pocket.

I smiled at his words and stood up to walk him out of his room and down the stairs where his parents were waiting. Once everyone was down there, we walked out and got into the two vehicles.

Ward, Rose and Wheezie got into their car, I forgot to mention that they picked up Wheezie a few days ago. Rafe, Topper, Sarah and I got into his truck.

We all drove off and to the boarding ship that would take us to the mainland and then to their private airstrip where their private jet was and where me and Topper would have to stay behind and watch them leave.


Once at their private airstrip, all of their luggage was on their jet and they were all, except Rose and Wheezie, stood outside in front of me and Topper.

Ward came forward first and hugged both of us, "Please feel free to stay at the house and please stay out of trouble, both of you. I love you both like my own and will miss you very much" He smiled down at us while he had each of his hands on one of our shoulders.

𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 || RAFE CAMERONWhere stories live. Discover now