Office romance

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The director seems a bit weird.

I got a strange feeling from him, it felt like he was trapping me into something but I don't know what but then there's this thing about overburdening the interns for no reason too.

So, what can I say...?

I got back to my seat and I could feel the gazes of other people on me but I refused to speak up. I was told to keep it a secret so what am I supposed to say to them? But I also knew the question was coming so I started bracing myself.

"So," I heard a voice, "What did the director want?" And here it was.

I had only settled in my seat and I had to look at them to give them an answer, "I've been asked to stay behind and organize stuff." I looked at all of them, "Would any of you like to help me?"

They all averted their gazes, "Man I'm so buddy today." And started giving me excuses.

"I have so much to do at home today."

"Man my kids are waiting for me today, I have to pick them up from school." They all talked as if they were talking to a third party but I knew it was meant for me to hear. I let out a deep exhale and turned to my screen.

Bizy was called to the director's office after a while and when he came back he told me to go to the storage room and get some documents organized. I had a hunch that it was for me to pass the time, it was almost time for everyone else to leave anyway, so, I got up and went to the room and did what Bizy told me to do.

But when I stepped into the dimly lit storage room, a weird feeling washed over me, catching me off guard. The silence enveloped me like a heavy blanket, the storage room was eerily quiet, devoid of any sound and it made me feel odd. But of course, I still had to work, so I went ahead and started doing it.

It took me a few hours but I got a lot done, but along with that, sitting alone on the floor made me a little depressed. Time seemed to stretch, and the place felt like a space where my thoughts echoed back at me.

Why do I feel so weird today? I looked around the gray room. I feel so anxious and nervous, maybe a little lost too. I let out a soft sigh, I should finish this up. I looked back at the box I had in front of me but as I continued to work, the loneliness settled in even more, a quiet ache that seemed to permeate every corner of the room.

"Ah man," I stood up, "I feel so bad." Is it because I keep remembering the past? Or because somewhere inside of me I feel like Nolan seems distant...

Is that where the loneliness is coming from?

I walked out of the room and realized the office was empty.

Good. I won't need to go back in.

I was the only one left in the place and noticed the lights in Matthew's office were on. I took a deep breath and then wondered if I should just go in or not. He hadn't called me or anything.

"Hey," Azef's voice startled me and I turned around to look at him. I thought he had left as well so I wasn't expecting someone to call out to me out of nowhere, "Why don't you make some coffee and take it to Matthew?" Although, it did look like he was ready to leave now.

"Okay," I nodded and he passed me a smile before leaving the building.


I went to the kitchen and used the coffee machine. The office lights were dim and the place made me feel isolated as well. Without people, the place looks so desolate...

I don't like feeling this way. I was feeling lonely again so I chose to focus on the task at hand.

I picked up the cup of coffee once it was done and took it to the CEO's office. Then I knocked at the door but didn't get a reply. So I knocked again and waited but there was no answer.

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