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I have a bad feeling about this.


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For most, the undead rising to feast on the living is the ultimate nightmare.  A cataclysmic event that would forever shatter the fragile peace of normal, humane, everyday life. But for sixteen-year-old Brandon Grimes, the apocalypse is more of . . . an inconvenience.  Just another problem to add to his already teetering tower of troubles and tragedies that has plagued him long before the world's descent into chaos.

It begins with the sudden, brutal loss of his father.  Gunned down in the line of duty without so much as a chance to say goodbye.  Then his girlfriend breaks up with him. After that, he gets emergency expelled from high school. He is removed from his athletic program—and pulled with it, the scouts that have been eyeing him during the football season.

One issue after another, Brandon's teenage dream spirals.

His painful upending only continues to deepen with the arrival of the end times.   What starts as an ordinary sickness turns into a contagious wildfire.  People die by the millions.  His friends.  His classmates.  His ex-girlfriend.  His coaches and teachers.  Most of his family, too.  All except for his mother and younger brother.  And his godfather—who, he guesses, is the only real reason he and them still draw any breath at all.

Brandon should be grateful for a second chance at life.  Instead, he hates it.  Forced into hiding in the Georgian wilderness, in ninety-degree weather, sleeping on deflating air mattresses with no promise of food or drink come the next day, fearful of both human and inhuman threats?   Does that sound like any world Brandon wants to live in?

It isn't.  But Brandon is also too stubborn, too angry to give in to a universe now dead set on killing him.  He will not fall as easily as his brave, sacrificial father.  Rather, he will buck up. Learn to trust in his own strength and resourcefulness, to look Death in the eye and ensure it blinks first.

Yet, even as he allows his rage to guide him in his new wasteland of an environment, Brandon finds an unexpected ray of light in the form of Beth Greene, a young teenager whose resilience matches his own. At first wary of forming attachments where loss is all but inevitable, Brandon soon finds himself drawn to Beth's quiet courage and compassion, anyway.

He hates that, too.  Because as their relationship deepens, so too does humankind's plunge into total doom.

With tomorrow no longer guaranteed, Brandon Grimes struggles to hold to his humanity in a world where survival is now the only law that seems to matter.  And yet, even in the face of overwhelming odds, Brandon is determined to do more than just survive.  Even if it means embracing his deepest fears and evils—and sacrificing pieces of himself along the way.

  Even if it means embracing his deepest fears and evils—and sacrificing pieces of himself along the way

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You speak to me as if you're afraid
we'll fall in love.

Troublesome | Beth Greene ¹Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora