4. Stay out of my way

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I walked into a random bar in a hurry, knowing that I had finally lost Rylan's track off me. She has been challenged, and it's more exhausting than fun, to be honest. Since I haven't been able to lose her off me the past few days, my social life has been difficult. With social life, I mean to pick up a random woman to sleep with them. 

Try and imagine being in a relationship with someone when you have another person breathing down your neck. It's impossible. I have tried, but they leave because they want more privacy. Not that I blame them, but at least they have the option to go away. I don't have that; the only way I can feel a little bit of freedom is when I escape them. But Rylan has been a nightmare. 

She knows all of my tricks as if she had read my playbook. Every bodyguard assigned to me lives in the same complex building that I do, right across from me. It's a part of their job to be near me at all times, which I don't understand that they are willing to do. Yet, the pay is excellent. 

I tried sneaking out in the middle of the night a few days ago, but Rylan was right behind me when I got out onto the street. Every opportunity I had to get away, she was always there. I can't take this anymore. 

I sat down at the bar, taking a deep breath before I ordered myself a drink. Spending hours on losing Rylan has drained my energy. I looked down the bar, wondering if there was any woman out there worth my time tonight.

"Water, please," I closed my eyes as I recognized her voice behind me. Then, with a smile, I turned to Rylan, who sat down next to me. Like every other day, she wears her leather jacket with dark-colored clothes and her hair up in a ponytail.

"You can't just give me one day of peace," I said desperately, yet she shook her head no. 

"It's my job to keep you safe," She reminded me. 

"I don't need safety. I need privacy!" I almost shouted at her and clenched my jaw as she didn't react to my behavior.

"You don't care. Nobody cares," I sighed as I rubbed my forehead, and Rylan got her bottle of water. 

"Your safety comes first; that is my priority, not your happiness," She said stone-cold, and my hand turned into a fist as I leaned in closer to her. 

"What's the point of living if I can't be happy?" I asked her, and she shrugged as she opened up her bottle of water. 

"Are you happy?" I wondered, realizing I'm too tired to find someone else company tonight. 

"I'm breathing," She responded, which shouldn't really be a surprise. I don't know anything about her. First of all, she barely speaks, and second of all, when I do ask, she ignores me. It's like talking to a wall. I narrowed my eyes as I thought through her answer. 

"Were you injured?" I asked, and quickly she turned to me with a stern look in her eyes. It answered my question more than her words could ever do. 

"What happened?" I wondered, but she looked in a different direction as she drank from the bottle. Most of the guards that I have had have been very chatty, but this one is as quiet as a ghost. She moves like one as well. 

"What were you? Police? In the military or what?" I asked this time.

"I'm not here to entertain you, Hadley, with my life. I'm here to keep you away from danger and harm. It's my job, and I'm here to do it," She said firmly, and I rolled my eyes once again at her needless reminder of why she is here. 

"Can't you be a little happier to be here," I mocked as I haven't ever seen a smile on her face since I met her almost a week ago? She breathed deeply, obviously annoyed or perhaps bored with me. Yet, I can't seem to find out what triggers her the most. I want anger and resentment like I managed to push out in the men. 

It felt as if a lightbulb lit up over my head as I got an idea. I looked down at her legs and slowly placed my hand over her thigh as I leaned toward her ear. 

"I can make your night a little more entertaining if you want," I whispered to her. 

"Ouch!" I shouted as she grabbed my hand and twisted it around in a tight grip. 

"Don't," She said, and I nodded before she let my hand go. I sat up straight and rubbed my wrist as if it would take away the pain. I certainly got the anger out of her, but it was not what I wanted. She didn't raise her voice nor threatened me that she would tell my father about my horrible behavior. 

"You have serious issues," I said, and with that Rylan's lip twitched. 

"When was the last time you looked in a mirror, Hadley?" She raised her eyebrow at me. I pushed my glass to the side as I stood up from my seat in fury. Yet so did she, and looked down at me. I forgot that's she's a head taller then I and it's aggravating.

"I don't want you here, Rylan. You are nothing but a pain in my ass," I poked her shoulder, and she crossed her arms over her chest. 

"I'm just doing my job," She said calmly, and I shook my head.

"Just try and stay out of my way," Was the last thing I told her before I walked away.

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