Chapter 17- mama

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Why do you even want to get out though? Like, they're all extremely sweet to you, and now you have b/n with you, so why leave if your life is so much better here than it was? Of course thes people kidnapped you, and lied to you. But not once has any of them raised a hand at you, which was surprising by itself. guess when you thought they weren't normal kidnappers , you were right.

You stared at your little brother for a few seconds, until jumping into action and picking the blankets off of him, there were like five on there. We're they trying to suffocate him?! Jeez. The boy silenced himself when he saw you're familiar face, stopping his screaming for "mama" and instead letting out small bubbly incomprehensible words. You just smiled with tear-filled eyes, and picked the small body of the boy up. Clutching his head close to your chest, as if he was going to disappear any moment now.

"It's okay, we're okay" you hushed; bouncing him slightly as b/n let a small giggle escape his lips, and he pressed his small hand on the center of your face, patting your nose twice with his tiny fingers and kicking his feet in your embrace. Others in the room watched tensely as tears ran down your face, Damien very closely observing your protective "mama bear" pose that had you positioned away from the family, and shielded the small boy from their glares.

"Thank you mama" he blubbered out, still smiling adorably. A warm feeling started to beat with your heart, he was okay, he really was! While you were happily holding onto b/n, others in the room were containing themselves,either from exploding because of your adorable protectiveness, or from slashing out right now at the little brat. Either way, still feelings being contained.

"Y/n darling, why don't you bring him over here?" A happy voice went through the room, it was from someone on the other side of b/ns bed, but you hadn't fully met them yet. They had told you that his name was "cadaver", kinda creepy right? He was fiddling with his fingers while kicking his feet, he clearly was impatient and did not want to be waiting for you, even if he got to see you up close, why weren't you letting him get any attention?!

(Cadaver means "dead body")

"Oh- Um, okay" you sighed out, knowing that they could rip b/n out of your arms any second, that would be terrifying. The tiny human continued smiling and kicking his little feet as you walked over to cadaver slowly, dragging your feet slightly on the carpeted flooring, completely oblivious to the glares being sent to the tiny ball of sunshine in your arms. You sat down next to him on the fluffed up rug, placing b/n right next to you while he latched his small hands around your arm.

Multiple eyes observed your figure sitting on the floor, eyeing b/n with disgust as he blew blueberries with his mouth, not one of the family members understood why you would want to protect this little... demon of a child, it just made zero sense.  You remained completely ignorant and oblivious to the hatred that seethed in their veins, you sure are fooled by a pretty face.

————————police station—————————

"There can't just be nothing on the girl? We have the best investigative officers on it, so why is all that comes up just... nothing!" The secretary of the police station exclaimed , waving her hands out and about to make the point seem more clear. Her voice had a thick accent overtop, making everything the more dramatic. She was talking to the large group of investigators who had gathered to look into this particular missing case, it started off as a basic " My life sucks so I'm running away" case, but then they started digging deeper.

It was from small shadows lurking behind you in camera views, to the multitude of young girls going missing, to a possible abusive relationship with your parents. They needed help, nothing made sense at the moment.

"Well yes I know that, but still we have zero records of her existence other than her birth certificate, it's like she doesn't even live on earth!!" The secretary continued, talking to the officers, along with ms Kim.

"Okay, so let me get this straight. 27 girls, all between the ages of 14-15, all gone without a trace? Only one dead body found, no suspects, and this one girl is our only lead to it all?!! That sounds way too good to be true" one of the private investigators spoke, his name was Eren, but in his work life people called him officer Yeager. The entire situation was odd, it was believed that some mass murderer was loose, but that was proven wrong quickly.

In total, 27 girls, including you, had gone missing in the past two years. Yes, where you lived a lot of crime went down, like alot alot. But it was the same thing with every single one of these girls, they just disappeared without a trace, reports started rolling in and investigations were held, but nothing was found, nada. Until a body was found in the river, identified as Samantha Willis, 15 year old gone missing 4 months ago, and panic surged through the station.

"Yes that would be exactly our situation, the only reason we think she could possibly be a lead, is that multiple figures were seen following her around. We're trying to identify them currently, have we even contacted her home?" The only other high level investigator spoke up, tooru oikawa, or officer oikawa. He was the one who was able to point out the darkened figures following you. At the time, the employees and your brothers preschool teacher had been staring at some security footage, while the office secretary looked through the filed missing persons cases in th part year.

"I've tried, no one answers, but one time I heard some rustling and some speaking, still no answers though" Ms Kim spoke up, worry clear in her voice. When no one had contacted her, she had gotten extremely scared for you, hoping to all the gods that you were okay.

"We can authorize a search warrant if we have to, for now we wait" Eren continued nonchalantly.

Oh, if only they knew what was going to happen

Hey peoples, sorry if this chapter sucks. I live in Texas, and right now they're initiating rolling blackouts across the entire state. Meaning every hour, my entire house looses all electricity, it's annoying and I haven't really been able too charge my phone.

Anywho, have a wonderful day today!!! Byyyeee!


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