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"All right, JJ. Pin it here" calls John b, to the boy at the wheel.

"Roger that! X marks the spot." JJ stands at the wheel, with me sitting next to him. In the back are Kiara, John b, and Pope, who are preparing the drone.

 In the back are Kiara, John b, and Pope, who are preparing the drone

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"All right, ladies and gentleman. To going full Kook" John b puts the drone in the water and Kiara lowers it further and further with her hands on the hose. Pope is watching the monitor.

"All right, JJ, we're right over it. Ten seconds northwest" calls John B.

"Got it! Ten seconds northwest"

"you know, I'd like to be able to drive a boat too, you could show me." I say with a smile.

"Stop trying to distract from the fact, Mia. You can't just tell me what your boyfriend did and expect me to act normal" JJ mumbles.

I feel kind of a bit left alone. Although JJ is there for me all the time, always protecting me, he hasn't been the same since last night. I would feel more comfortable if he acted like he always does. That would help me more. He is very concerned, and I can tell, but I can't help it somehow that Rafe mistreats me. However, I feel a bit like JJ is blaming me.

"One hundred feet" Kiara shouts.

Pope gasps and John b immediately flinches and runs over to Pope. "What? What, what, what?"

"It's nothing," Pope replies, denying the fact that he flinched over a fish. John b groans in response.

"Sorry, I thought-"

"Don't do that to me, man," JJ says to Pope. "Come on, bro."

"My bad. I just thought I saw-"
"Aaand to quote the Hobbit "Down, down, to Goblin Town. Down, down, you go my lad."" Pope disguises his voice.

"Four hundred feet" Kiara calls again, and draws another stroke on the boat, with chalk. "The tide's turning."

"Hey JJ?" John b calls out as the boy turns around.


"Ten seconds easy, south-southeast, right?"

"Copy that!"

"Keep the tether out of the prop!" Shouts JJ to Kiara.

"I'm trying!"

"JJ keep going"

"I don't like this at all..." I mumble as a thunderstorm rolls in. The boat rocks and the waves get higher and higher. It gets darker and the thunder gets louder and stormier.

"John b is that good?" JJ turns to the back.

"We're good! We're good!"

"Okay 700 feet"

"Okay...." JJ loses his balance slightly and sways against the wall. He looks down at me, definitely not feeling well.

"Hey" he puts his hand on mine for a very brief moment, then back on the wheel. "You okay?"

I nod slightly in response, but JJ doesn't really believe it. Except that's definitely not his biggest concern right now.

The storm is getting worse, and the boat is swaying more and more because of the big waves.

"JJ keep it steady!"

"Okay 900!"

"JJ, we're gonna turtle in this storm!" Calls John b upset.


"Crank it north by northwest! Ten seconds!"
"Pope how we doin?" John b turns back to Pope.

"Almost there"

"John b there's too much current we're gonna lose it!" Screams Kiara.

"I-" I want to get up to help her but JJ holds his hand in front of me and pushes me back.

"Not in your condition." he says seriously. And he does it again. I'm not a child, JJ, come on.

"South southwest JJ, hard!"
"Half speed, steady at this bearing, JJ!"

The monitor beeps and John b looks right over at Pope.

"What do you got, Pope? Come on, man. What do you see?"

"Nothin'. A whole lot of nothin'."

"You should be right above it, brother" John B goes through his hair excitedly.



"I'm at the bottom! I'm at the bottom!" Shouts Pope.

"Okay, steady here, JJ! Steady here, quarter speed, all right?"
"You should be seeing something, man"

"I know, i know! Wait, wait!" Suddenly the three look at the monitor in disbelief.

"Oh good God" Pope marvels.

"See anything?" Calls JJ, clueless.

"Yeah, why isn't anyone talking?" I call afterwards.

"It's the Royal Merchant" smiles John b.
"Emmi, Emmi. Come here!"

I run up to him. "Oh my god, John b you made it!" I hug my brother, full of joy.

"Wait, guys, let's see if the gold is there first!" Pope calls out, and we turn back to the monitor expectantly.

But after a few minutes, still nothing to see.

"It's not there," sighs John b. "Look, just-just pull the drone up."

"Look, we can do another pass, recharge the battery. We can- we can go back down" Pope suggests.

"Guys, we've been through it three times. There's nothing there!" Shouts JJ.

"Shut up!" Calls Kiara, annoyed.

"What? It's true!"

"He's right, Kie" I say to the girl. "It's not there."

"the gold could be buried. We don't know" Kiara yells back.

"If it was there, it would've been found on the metal detector, okay?" John B looks down at the floor in disappointment.
"Somebody beat us to it."

"Or it was never there." JJ mumbles.

"Come on, J" I look worriedly over at my brother, who has just been visibly more than disappointed.

𝐽𝑈𝑆𝑇  𝑁𝑂𝑇  𝑌𝐸𝑇  / JJ MAYBANKWhere stories live. Discover now