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"Here." Layla spoke as she passed Sarah her flashlight, pulling the breaker box open. Sarah held the flashlight still for her as the pairs eyes widened at the sight of the many wires, "Where are the breakers?"

"No, no, no, no." Sarah panicked slightly at the sight as she shined the light up the large wire that lead inside, "It goes inside."

"Oh shit." Layla huffed as she eyed it, "I hate the smell of old people."

"That's your first thought?" Sarah asked her in disbelief with a wild expression across her face, "Do you know how old she is? I doubt she'll even hear us."

"Are you insane?" Layla asked in disbelief, "Do you want to be murdered? The police could run fingerprints if she calls the cops on us."

Sarah gave her a pleading look as Layla sighed and crept toward the door, slowly opening it and looking back at the blonde in worry. Sarah gave her a small nod as she followed close behind. Layla gagged slightly at the musty smell, stopping as Sarah grabbed her hand tightly.

"Do you see it?" Layla whispered as she held her flashlight low to the ground, avoiding it shining into a area that could wake up Mrs Craine. Layla gasped and turned to hide in Sarah's neck when a loud cat meow at them. Sarah held her tightly as her eyes went wide, both their hearts racing.

"Jesus." Sarah breathed out as Layla pulled away with wide eyes, shining her light up at the wire that lead to the breakers. The floor creaked slightly under them as the pair followed the wire, squeeze the others hand as their hearts continued to race. Layla smiled widely when they finally made it to the breakers, looking at Sarah who mimicked her expression and held the flashlight for her.

Layla flipped two of the switches, the power cutting as the bright light from the porch turned to darkness. A squeaking noise from the stairs made the pair gasp, hiding behind the wall quickly and turning off their lights. Animal like noises echoed in the old house as the scent of old lady got stronger, loud footsteps coming down the stairs slowly. Layla put a hand over her mouth as her eyes filled with panic, holding Sarah's hand tighter.

"Shit." Sarah spoke as the footsteps got closer. Her own hand slapped across her mouth as the pair froze, completely still as the blind old woman walked right past them.

"I can hear you, Leon. I've been waiting all night!" the old lady yelled as she turned to the pair. Layla screamed loudly as she clutched Sarah's hand, pulling her alongside her as the pair ran through the house. Layla ran toward the door, yanking on the latched in panic as she heard the old woman continuing to yell through the house. Layla screamed in fear as the older woman hurried over and swung the fire poker at Layla. The darker girl moved away quickly as Sarah hurried to grab her, throwing a chair infront of the woman to block her from getting to the pair.

"Come on! Come on! This way!" Sarah said in a panic as the pair ran into the next room, slamming the door shut quickly and both leaning on it. The poker suddenly broke through the old wood, making the pair yell out and back away. Layla grabbed hold of Sarah quickly, "Hurry! This way!"

Layla and Sarah ran down the small staircase, making it toward the four near the well, "Guys! Pope!"

"Woah, woah, what's going on?" Pope asked quickly as he looked away from the well.

"It's Craine, she tried to kill us with a fire poker." Layla said quickly as Sarah took deep breaths of panic, looking to Kie, "We gotta her the fuck out of here! Now!"

"We locked her in the parlor but we got to go!" Sarah agreed as she hugged Layla quickly.

"John B! Get back on, man!" JJ yelled in a panic down the well.

"Hold on man, i'm coming!" John B hollered back, clearly out of breath. The five grabbed the rope, listening to Popes countdown as they pulled. The rope gave out, making them all fall to the floor, "Shit! Where the hell is he!"

"Wait! Shh! Shh! Guys!" Kie shouted quickly, attempting to get them all silent. John B was yelling something up at them.

"What's he saying?" JJ asked as the five looked over the well.

"JJ! Pope!" John B yelled.

"He's drowning! We gotta pull him out!" Kie yelled out suddenly as everyone began to panic.

"Hang on, John B! Hang on!" Layla called down to him in a panic as she was quick to grab the rope while Pope yelled instructions down at him. The weight on the rope gave them enough information that John B was on, making them yell and pull all at once. The shot that suddenly echoed in the pair made the five scream out.

"Layla!" Sarah yelled as she ducked behind her.

"She's got a gun!" Layla yelled out, stating the obvious. JJ and Pope held the rope tightly as they each hid from the blind woman. Sarah and Layla hide under the table that had plant fertilizer, Kie and the boys doing the same from across the way. Another shot went through the air toward the pair, "Go! Go!"

Kie grabbed both their hands as they ran out of the well house, JJ and Pope coming close after. John B's shouts of joy echoed through the air as they made it back to the van, jumping in quickly and piling on top of each other.

"Why are we always getting shot at!" Pope yelled out as the van started up quickly, John B throwing himself into the van as echoed of the gun went off in the distance.

"JJ! Step on it!" Layla yelled as the blonde pushed his foot harder on the gas, John B catching his breath while covered in shit.

"I think i'd known if I was shot, right?" Kie asked as they all yelled over each other.

"Not necessarily!" Layla said knowingly as she leaned on Sarah, catching her breath.

"You look disgusting." Pope spoke to John B with a insane look.

"God, you smell like ass." Kie gagged as she held her nose, "That bitch is possessed!"

"That bitch can't aim!" Sarah agreed.

"That bitch almost murdered me, ugly ass!" Layla huffed in disbelief as her eyes were wide, running a hand through her hair.

"What is that?" Kie asked as she looked down at the square in John B's hand.

"No you didn't!" Sarah yelled in disbelief.

"Fucking gold!" Layla spoke with a wild expression.

"We did it, baby!" John B yelled at he held the gold in his hand.

"Oh my god!"

"I did it!"

"Holy fuck!"

"We're gonna be rich!"

kylie speaks

that bitch craine
really thought she
could kill our bad
bitch layla? psh,

that bitch crainereally thought shecould kill our badbitch layla? psh, embarrassing

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𝐈 𝐌𝐄𝐓 𝐒𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐇 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌| Sarah CameronWhere stories live. Discover now