Chapter 20....

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Picture on side of Layla and what she is wearing to the Benefit Gala.  Sorry for the writing on it but I couldn't find another picture that showed all 3 angles of the dress. :)

Dedicated to NeverHappy_EverAfter. Her comments are hilarious :) Thanks for spamming me with comments! And also a dedication to everyone who keeps commenting every chapter!!!!! <3

Happy Reading :)

I got up the next morning later than I wanted and I busted to get ready. I had so much to do today that I couldn't be late to the office. Slipping on pencil skirt and a black blouse I brushed my hair and left it to be somewhat wavy. I put only a little bit of makeup on to hid the dark circles under my eyes and to make my cheeks look like they have some life in them. Grabbing the heels I have claimed my own by now I grabbed my stuff and was out the door. I was not looking forward today, I just wanted it to go by fast so I can have the weekend to relax.

As I headed to the office I was slightly excited because I would finally be getting paid. It was pretty stupid of me not to ask Ashton what the pay was like and when I would get my check, but like everything else I found out on my own. Since I had missed the pay deadline the week I started I had to wait an extra 2 weeks to get paid. Thankfully I had money saved from my old job to last me until this paycheck. After everything that I have been doing these past 2 weeks it would be nice to see that hard work paying off.

You could tell it was a Friday for people were dressed somewhat casual and there seemed to be excitement in the air. I walked into the building at 6 o'clock exactly and talked to Neena briefly before I went upstairs to get to work. The list of things I had to do today went on for miles and I knew if I didn't get my work stuff done than I would be here over the weekend and I didn't want that. I had to come in on Sunday last weekend to finished up stuff, and that was not what I wanted to do again this one. I need a full weekend of relaxation to make up for a hectic 2 weeks.

The moment I stepped into my office I got to work. If anyone would have seen me they would have thought I had been working here for years instead of 2 and a half weeks. I flew across my office and down the halls quicker than anyone usually could in 4 inch heels. I was like a demon possessed woman as I zoomed through the work I needed to get done. I had never felt so over-whelmed or rushed in my life, not even in college.

After rescheduling all of Ashton's appointments, re-filing new paper work, and sending them to a supervisor on floor 15; I grabbed my stuff to go pick up Ashton's suit for tonight. It was almost noon so I knew I had to hurry to the suit place just in case they closed for lunch. I passed Judy's desk before she yelled my name.

"Layla!" She called after me. I turned and walked back to her desk.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Your check is in." She handed me an envelope with my name. "Since you haven't filled out on your W-2 if you wanted direct deposit or a check I just told them to put it directly into your account. If you want you can change it later too its not a big deal." She said smiling at me.

"Thanks!" I said smiling down at the envelope. "Sorry to just run off on you but I have to get going. Your coming to the Gala tonight right?" I asked as I stepped back. I couldn't remember who I had sent invitations to. All Ashton did was email me a long list of names that consisted of 200 people maybe more. I did just printed it and sent it to the invitation place to be made, I didn't even look at the names. Thankfully though most of the staff here would be attending so that gave me Neena and Liam to talk to even though I would be working.

"Of course. I have to make sure Ashton doesn't do something stupid." She said with a smile. I giggled and waved at her.

"See you tonight then if I'm not back in time." I called and hurried to the elevator.

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