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     I'm wiping sweat from my brow, looking up at the sun when I see it. A steeple, a tall metal point way up in the sky, brushing the dark clouds. The structure glistens in the sunlight, glinting into my eyes.

     I sober at the sight, halting where I stand in the woods, several feet behind Barre. My lip starts to tremble, and I have to bite it to keep it from wobbling uncontrollably.

     We're walking towards the steeple, which obviously belongs to the palace. He can't be taking me to the palace, can he?

      Panic explodes inside of me. Why are we going so close to the palace? Are we going to the markets that are in the city? That has to be it. There would be no other reason to be here. No other explanation.

     I look at my torn up shoes. I could use a new pair, that's for sure. Maybe he noticed. Barre is sweet like that.

     The fear of being there causes my heart to stutter.

      I continue trekking on anyway, pushing at the giant's arms when he tries to pick me up. I'm so tired of him treating me like that. I want to show him that I'm not weak and helpless like he seems to think I am.

      It's not that I'm ungrateful for his constant help, but I just don't like being seen as less in any capacity. I've been treated like dirt enough in my life so far.

      I look up at Barre and his pitch black hair, wondering if he looks at my own red locks and sees me as inferior, just like everyone else has for so long. I touch my red hair on top of my head, it's pulled into a ponytail to keep it out of my face.

      Subconsciously, my fingertips brush my freckle dotted face. Barre never stared at them with disgust. Maybe he's good at disguising it? Everyone on Earth, besides Soleil, despised the way I look. Why would Rytaria be any different?

      He notices that I've slowed down, and that I'm touching my face. He smiles, walking back to me and cupping my face the way he so often does. I try to smile back at him, but I find it difficult with the foreboding in my gut.

      That's why. That's why Rytaria is different. How could I have forgotten? Barre is so completely opposite of what I've known men to be on Earth. How could I have compared him to them?

      Salsh nudges my hand, wanting pets as always. I give in. He basks in the affection, his tongue hanging out happily and I run my hand up and down this head, flipping his ears.

     I can't lose Barre. I can't lose Salsh. They're all I have now.

      My mind wanders as we continue to walk endlessly. I trip over tree roots, rocks, and twisting foliage. Barre keeps grabbing in my arm to steady me, his big hand on the small of my back in a reassuring touch.

     He's still been carrying me occasionally, but my ankle actually feels a lot better now. I've been keeping up with his fast pace more than usual.

      A bird call squawks overhead, a strange noise that I'm not prepared for. I jump slightly.

       It reminds me of back home in Tennessee. Soleil and I would spend hours in the woods. I miss her. My heart jolts in my chest at the reminder. I may miss her, but I can't see her. If I see her I risk seeing another face that occupies the palace.

       The idea terrifies me, and I trip. Of course, Barre thinks that the misstep was due to my injury, and he's quick to fuss over me.

     "Misha, ebsee yantriskii." He murmurs, and I brush him off.

     "I'm not a baby, Barre." I laugh, because to him I probably am a baby. I glance up at him, and he smiles. His display of joy makes my lungs freeze up. He's so handsome with his mismatched eyes.

      I can picture myself waking up to him every morning for the rest of my life. I have come to realize that I already think of him as my mate.

       Does he feel the same way? Curse our stupid language barrier.

      But I can't help but feel like every touch, every movement towards me is deliberate on his part. He has to care for me, no one would treat someone like this if they didn't care.

      And Soleil was very clear about how barbaric they are. Once they see you as their mate, it's difficult to convince them otherwise. I've learned that to be true from Locanas. Maybe Barre thinks I'm already his mate.

      My spirit brightens at the thought, and I never thought I'd feel this happy. I grab his much larger hand, brushing the tan skin with my thumb. I let him lead me, trusting where he's leading me.

       Maybe things are finally looking up for me after all.

       Maybe things are finally looking up for me after all

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