Chapter One - Her Moans

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"Oh baby," she moaned loudly, the sound reverberating off the walls. "Right there! Oh, right there! Oh!"

The sound of a bed squeaking was all I could hear as I prepared a late night dinner of macaroni and cheese.

I had felt like I was intruding on these intimate moments when I first moved in and heard my neighbour's late night exhibitions, but I soon realized that these women were endless in number and never the same. In fact, I had kept a count since I moved in and I believed that twelve women in one month was too many. What was this? A brothel?

Can't a woman make KD without hearing incessant moans next door?

"Faster, baby! Oh, Marcus! There! There!" I heard more of the climax than I wanted to. There's no way this girl wasn't acting.

Okay, so I'd had sex one time as an act of defiance against my super strict parents, but it had been disappointing and definitely not as rewarding as the orchestra of sounds going on next door.

"Mmm, thanks baby."

"No worries, Meg," I could hear Marcus respond.

I cringed because if I was right - and I had been listening to this for twenty five minutes so dear lord I hope I was - her name was Nadia.

"Meg?! Who the hell is Meg, Marcus?" I could hear something being thrown and a 'hey!' in retort. "God, you say to yourself, no this year will be different, I won't get together with moronic men that only want in my pants and then you have to traipse in and I don't even get the correct name used?!"

Another smash. This sounded bad. I shouldn't keep listening. I leaned my ear closer to the wall so I didn't miss a word.

"Hey, that belonged to my-" Crash "-grandfather. Never mind. I'm sorry, M-babe."

There was a pause. "What were you going to call me?!"

"Please, put the mug down!" Smash.

"Don't call me! Don't text me! Don't look at me!" Nadia shouted as she slammed the door behind her. I heard the clacking of heels as she walked down our hallways and into the elevator at the end of our hall.

And they say love is dead. I deign someone to come to my apartment and tell me otherwise.

A few moments later, I heard the shower turn on and I sighed. I guess my entertainment was done for the night.

Marcus was objectively, very good looking, but my heart belonged to another. Jackson Fitzgerald. Even the name sent shivers down my spine.

He was a football player. His dreamy blonde hair and blue eyes almost reminded me of a Ken doll. That's how perfect he was. I couldn't think of him without feeling butterflies.

He has yet to know I exist, but I'm determined to make it happen this year. Nadia may be trying to avoid men this year, but I was currently trying to get under them. Well, one of them anyway.

And tomorrow was the day. It was the day that I introduce myself. One day, on our wedding, it's going to be such a cute 'how we met' story - how Mabel met Jackson and fell in love and how he saw her and couldn't think of anyone other than her. How they drove each other crazy with love; how no one else could compare.

I heard a knock at Marcus' door and scrambled to make it to the wall closest to his room.

"Hey, baby," A female voice drawled.

Two in one night?!

This was getting excessive. I couldn't stop listening.

"Hey, babe," He replied. I was proud of him for completely skipping over the name and avoiding another Nadia situation. Smart.

This was going to be a long night.


I poured a mug of coffee the next morning and made my way out of my apartment, in a rush to make it to my classes on time.

In my haste, I forgot to listen in on Marcus' guest and ended up running right into her as I locked my apartment door. This is where not eavesdropping gets you. Stuck in an awkward walk in the hallway and elevator ride with someone you heard in their most intimate moments the night before. Did I want to know that this woman liked it rough and enjoyed biting? No.

She smiled at me as I walked past her, "Hey, are you Marcus' neighbour?"

I returned the smile, "I am! Are you his, uh-lady friend?"

She laughed, "I suppose." She pushed the button on the elevator and we waited at the doors.

"So, did you enjoy your night?" I asked as I teetered on the heels of my feet. I regretted the question as soon as it was out of my mouth. As I did with most things I said.

She gave me an odd look before we entered the elevator in complete silence. I took a loud sip of my scalding coffee and burnt the top of my mouth in my haste. My eyes watered as I tried to keep myself from crying out in pain in front of this stranger who already thought I was strange enough. She skipped away from me without a wave as soon as we got to the bottom floor.

I rushed to my class and sat next to Amanda, who was already in her usual chair and highlighting something. She had taken this Psychology class for my sake so that we had a class together but she really didn't need it for her medical degree.

"Hey," She grinned at me sliding her muffin over. I took a chunk out of it. "Is today the day?"

"Oh, today is the day, Amanda. It's the day that I go up to Jackson and say 'hey. I like you. and I'd like to go out with you. And I'd love to-"

"-Let's get started, class," The professor interrupted my speech, putting a damper on my mood, as did anyone who interrupted me, as a general rule.

As soon as the professor finished his lecture, I jumped up and tugged my shirt lower. "Good luck," Amanda laughed.

"Thank you, my lady," I responded as I stomped my way over to Jackson who was currently laughing with one of his friends. That laugh, those dimples, those blue eyes that crinkled; my heart was flipping.

Before I knew it, I was standing right in front of Jackson. He was eyeing me in that innocent way of his. I couldn't believe he was looking at me. I wasn't worthy.

He raised an eyebrow as he looked at me with those sea blue eyes. After a moment, I think we both realized, I hadn't said anything yet. I also realized that my mouth was slightly agape. "Hello?" He asked, his deep voice washing over me. My God that was smooth.

"H-hi," I stuttered. What did I come here for again? I couldn't remember for the life of me. I imagined Jackson lifting me up into his arms and telling me he'd never seen such a beautiful woman in his life and how he never wanted to be away from me. I loved this man.

"Can I help you?" Jackson asked, the corner of his mouth tilted upwards as he looked at me.

I nodded but I felt like I was in a daze, "Um, yeah. I just wanted to tell you that I sort of... love you."

My eyes widened.

My stomach clenched.

What did I just say?

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