XLI ⚜️

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Third-person POV

Eliana was very nervous today.

Today was the last day of the visitation of the social worker. She's going to tell her exactly what she thinks of her as a guardian.

When the social worker arrived Eliana invited her to the living room.

"Mrs Snow-," she started as they sat at the table. She was about to inform her about the results of the months of her observations.


"Mrs Vincenti, I'm sorry to be blunt I hope you understand it's the nature of my work to speak about things that might make a person uncomfortable," the social worker said in a formal voice.

"Yes, of course," Eliana replied her hands clenched in the fists under the table. She was so nervous.

"I don't think you're a good guardian for Casey. I'm sorry"

Eliana felt like her world is crashing down. What did she say?

"Regardless of recent improvements and sudden marriage, you're still young and inexperienced. During your time with Casey, she has been removed from the school within a few months. You've been fired from a job at the coffee shop, then resigned from a grocery store, you've been briefly hired at the nightclub. For how long do you plan to stay at your current job? Your swift career changes don't scream stability. Maybe if your husband apply for shared custody I would consider it a good option but you alone are not fit to be the guardian of a troubled child that Casey, I'm sorry"

"What the fuck are you talking about you dumb bitch?!" It was Casey. She stormed into the room angrily. She was eavesdropping this whole time. "You haven't seen me troubled yet! Don't speak to Eliana like that"

"Casey, please" Eliana started quietly.

"Shut it, Eli, gosh. just for once stand up for yourself you're just gonna let her insult you like that?!"

"It's time for me," The woman said her lips shifting into a thin line, she was pissed off.

After the social worker left Casey was still angry and Eliana was still trying to process what just happened. She will lose the custody case without a positive opinion. It's over. She hid her face in her hands.

"Why do you always have to be like that?" Casey whispered she was crying just like her right now "Why can't you just for once believe that you're enough? Don't you see that you are the best guardian that I could ever have? My only family member, that's left? If you don't understand it how can she?" She said, her voice breaking.

"Casey wait," Eliana said in a hoarse voice but her sister was already storming out of the room.


The twins were in the living room when they saw Casey storming through the corridor. She was running towards the front door.

Remi, unfortunately for her, was quicker.

"Woah" He caught her at the last moment. "What's happening? Why are you crying?"

It was the first time when Casey was not stopped from running by security and instead one of the brothers stopped her. Many things have changed since her last escape attempt including her relationship with the twins.

Unlike bodyguards, Remi wasn't just keeping her in place to stop her from moving. Remi was hugging her.

It was so surprised to Casey that she didn't do what to do at first. She didn't even know when she's starting to return a hug.

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