Chapter 15: Legend

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Flashback a few years ago

New York, Manthan

As the sun rose early in the morning, shining through the windows of Brayden's room, he jumped out of bed, stretching his arms and yawning. Today was going to be a perfect day, he thought to himself. Slipping into his white t-shirt, he hurried out of his room and strode to the staircase. He laced up his running shoes, grabbed the door handle, and sprinted out. His daily routine was to go for an hour-long jog a day. Placing the earbud in his ears, he scrolled through the playlist on his iPhone and selected a song to listen to. He darted around the corner, meeting Eric and waiting for him.

Eric glanced at Braydem as he raised his brow. "Are you sure you're up for this? Because there's no backing out now."

"Yes, Eric, for heaven's sake, I can handle it. You know you don't worry about me," Brayden stated in a caring and concerned tone.

"Okay, if you say so, but know I'm here for you if you need me," Eric said as he started jogging down the sidewalk through the crowd.

Brayden nodded in agreement with his brother, knowing he had a point there; he had always been there for him when he needed him, besides being a sniper for the Navy Seals. He could always count on him. When he found out that his brother was a sniper, he wanted to join the military. Whatever the risks were, he was going to do it. Eric was his hero; he had always wanted to be like him. Now it was his chance, although he was a bit nervous.

After they were done jogging, they headed over to one of their cafes for some coffee. They entered, walked over to a booth, and sat down. Eric looks at Brayden and says, "You know, I first joined the Navy Seals. I saw the look in Dad's eyes when I left, although he never said one word to me. So advice to you: follow your heart."

Brayden sipped coffee as he glanced over, seeing people stroll and sit down at a table. His world was about to change for him, but he was ready for it. He didn't know if he was going to do this. It was now or never. He places the cup back on the table, and he rubs his chin, thinking about all the training he needs before he gets dispatched to Iraq or Afghanistan.

As a war veteran and now a clandestine operator, Eric knew the risk all too well, there would be tough times ahead for his brother, and with some training from him Brayden would be okay, but one never knew for sure until the day came for you to depart. Every mission he had been on was different, and danger came so fast.

"Eric, were you nervous on your mission as a sniper for the Seal team?" Brayden asked.

"Yes, it was my first kill, I could feel my own heartbeat. You just have to survive and listen to your instinct," Eric told him in a calm tone.

Brayden closed his eyes, listening to his own heart, a sudden drop in his stomach, and the sweat on his forehead all these are telling him not to worry, he opens his eyes and says "I have to admit I never have fired a weapon before Eric."

"Don't worry, I train how to fire a weapon Brayden," Eric says, reaching into and pulling out some bills from his pocket.

As they exited the cafe they walked down the sidewalk, making their way over to the West side Rifle and Pistol Range. They entered the outdoor range and strode over to the shop to see what kind of gun could his brother handle. The owner glanced up, seeing Eric standing at the counter.

"Eric, it's good to see how the Navy Seals have been for you,"The owner asked.

"The Navy has been good to me," Eric tells the owner.

"This must be your brother," the owner inquired.

"Yes, I'm going to train how to fire a weapon here," Eric told the owner.

"Let's see how you do with a Remington 300 sniper rifle," Eric says, picks it up and hands it over to Brayden.

"You want to shoot at with a sniper rifle, Eric," Brayden replied in a curious tone.

"Yes,  you can do it, what kind of caliber do you want .50 caliber or .33* Lapua." Eric tells his brother.

"Eric I'm not you you know that right," Brayden tells him.

That was true,  there was nobody like him and he was good at what he, but he didn't want his brother to be like him, he wanted him to be himself, so if showing to shoot from a sniper rifle was the trick he needed then it would work or he hoped it would. It was up to Brayden to pull the trigger not him,most people believe it was  all skills, but it, wasn't it was inside you all you to was just believe.

Brayden was already down on his chambering the sniper rifle as he slotted in the ten-box mag ,he peered through the scope as the target came into view, his fingers rested on the trigger and his breathing slowed down.

"Now just pull the trigger and go with your instinct," Eric told his brother.

The sniper rifle recoiled as bucked in his hand as the bullet sped out of the muzzle and obliterated the target. Brayden dropped the AR-30 bolt action sniper as he stared-wide eyed at the target, although he had to admit pulling the trigger felt good to him. He didn't know he had it in to do it. He glanced over at the chain with the 5. Caliber Casing around Eric's neck.

"For a minute there I was shaking and nervous, but then I remembered what you told me and it helped," Brayden told Eric.

"That's good Brayden," Eric informed him, heading over to the target and studying it, he's a natural he thought to himself.

Maybe there was hope for his brother after all, but just because you pulled the trigger, you had to be mentally strong too, and his brother was that he was sure of. This was just the first step of the training. The rest was up to him. He'd trained to fire a gun now and his part was done. Although going into war was never easy, this knew  from his experience

"Is that .50 Caliber casing on your chain your lucky charm Eric," Brayden asked.

"Yeah, it is, I took the casing after my first kill in Afghanistan," Eric stated in a calm and cool tone.

While Eric was the bookworm in high school and University, his brother had been more the athletic kind, that was fine with him. There was nothing like a good book to read after the day was done. That was fine with him, although when Eric had recruited to The Navy Brayden thought he would never see him again. And yet again here again here they were.

Brayden saw a bit of emotion in his brother's eyes. Usually they were vacant and hardened. Did he know something he didn't or was just happy to see him? Whatever the reason was, he was sure it was good, and with that came pride and passion like his brother in what he did. After he picked up the smoking hot casing, he felt a bit of the adrenaline flow through to him.

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