Chp. 6

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The days had started to pass painfully slow as I tried to keep myself busy with school and dancing but there was only so much I could do. Jada was still upset over losing the fight and now she had to recover which meant she couldn’t start fighting until her concussion healed, setting back her professional career, if she even still had one. Not to mention how she was constantly talking about Drew and how she wanted a rematch, how she needed one because it just wasn’t fair.

It didn’t seem as if it was going to pass anytime soon.

I was no longer mad at Drew, but rather scared of her and sad at the fact that I knew staying away was in my best interest. The feeling of having to cut something out of your life, something that had meant a lot more than you had realized sucked. I felt bad for doing this to her, I felt bad for abandoning her but I just wasn’t sure if staying was the best thing for me.

I had thought about her all weekend though, Monday too, and then Tuesday for rehearsal I had ignored her. She had seemed to get the hint whenever I walked in and ignored her glances, and then she hadn’t spoken to me for the rest of the night.

I had almost expected a text or something by Wednesday but nothing came, which I was sad and grateful for at the same time. Staying away from her was a good and bad thing, good because Jada would be pissed if she found out and I really felt as if Drew was a stranger now. Affiliating myself with her was dangerous, and I had realized that Friday night.

Then again ignoring her was bad because I felt as if I had led her on and then abandoned her, which was exactly what I was doing. That ate me up inside, knowing I was hurting her but I knew she understood deep down somewhere that I had my reasons to keep my distance.

But here I was, making my way to the gym for Thursday rehearsal and I was actually dreading walking into the gym. I sort of expected Drew to be there and I sort of expected her not to be, simply because I wondered if she would keep putting herself in my line of view.

I opened the door, seeing her immediately at the front counter, feet propped up with a book in front of her face. A part of me was pulling me towards her but I fought it, walking up to a guy cleaning a weight machine and asking, “Would you mind letting me into Studio B?”

I knew my voice had caught Drew’s attention because I heard her shuffle behind me, and immediately I felt her eyes on my back. I didn’t turn around as the guy nodded, leading me up to the studio where I would wait for all the girls to show up for rehearsal. Don’t get me wrong, I hated the feelings that I got now that I was trying to keep my distance from Drew but I knew this was probably for the best.

At least for me…

But it didn’t feel like the best decision, which threw me off because it only made me want to talk to Drew. I was scared that if I got to close to her Drew could snap, and she could hurt me. I mean what I had seen last Friday was still freshly burned in my brain.

Eventually the girls started filing in and Maria walked up to me, “Are you ever going to tell me what the hell is going on with you and Drew?”

I shook my head, “There’s nothing going on Maria…”

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