Three - "Kristov"

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Chapter Three

Pia's POV

The servant's hall was a separate four-storey building located at the east side of the mansion, with its very own pool, pond and garden.

On the first floor, there was a dainty lobby with padded chairs and a tea table. A television set hanging on the wall, a glass-door fridge full of fruit drinks ( I was dying to get one, perhaps a grape flavor), a coffee machine, and a counter with yummy looking cakes and pastries. Wait, is that a croissant?

"This section of the building is for women only."

Well, that explains the peach-colored curtains and colorful vases filled with flowers. My eyes roamed around.

"Men are prohibited here," she continued, and gave me a warning look, as if I would bring a man here. That would never happen.

"There are separate areas for the men and bodyguards, so you won't run into them when you're here. But everyone eats at the dining hall, for the cook's convenience."

"I see," I nodded, following her and dragging my luggage, "this place is very nice. Like a hostel."

"Yeah," she tilted one eyebrow, looking at me uncertainly, "you may feel that you're on a vacation, but I have to remind you, you have duties and responsibilities here. Mr. Stavrakos is expecting you to behave accordingly. He's very strict to people working with him. He won't hesitate to fire anyone not doing their job well, and not following the household rules."

"Oh my, that's scary," I joked but she kept a straight face.

"He can be very scary, and dangerous too. So bear that in mind. Not only for yourself, but for the other staff, since they are under your supervision. You don't want to take the blame, right?" she said firmly, like some strict Victorian headmistress, "come on, I'll show you to your room."

The room was on the second-floor, modern, conventional and in cheerful lavender. The queen-size bed looked very comfortable, with crispy white sheets and big pillows. I could not wait to lie down on it and sleep. There was an ensuite bathroom, closet, study table with lamp and a TV set.

"It's lovely," I opened the windows and got the view of the river. The air was so fresh and clean, the whole place was very calm and peaceful. I could only hear the chirping sound of the birds.

"I'm glad you like it," she tilted her chin up, then clasped her arms together, "I'm going to introduce you to the staff later. Just don't forget, you're 45 years old and you are your aunt's sister, not niece. Clear?"

"Very clear."

"You will assume all my duties and responsibilities here in the mansion," she enumerated her role, and I listened eagerly.

I learned that she was more like an overseer/supervisor than a housekeeper. She kept things in order and made sure that everyone did their job well.

"You have to be strict and authoritative, so everyone will follow your orders. Not everyone listens, some are hard-headed, especially Connor, the driver."

"Well, I'll take that as a challenge. Noted, Calliope."

"Remember to address me as Miss Chloros in front of Mr. Stavrakos. He doesn't address his staff by their first names."

"Oh... okay. So he doesn't know everyone's first name."

"Yes," she nodded, but immediately defended, "he keeps everything formal and businesslike here. So, you will be addressed as Miss Rosi also."

"Sure, no problem."

"I'll leave you now to unpack your things. I'll see you downstairs in an hour," she tilted her chin up again (I realized a habit), then she left the room immediately.

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