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u were at the Cameron's still....

And rafe was out with his friends and u went to sarah's room

Y/N- hey sar

SARAH- hey

SARAH- have u heard there's a party tonight

Y/N- yea... I heard... I'm gonna do my revenge tonight

SARAH- what? Tonight?

Y/N- yea

SARAH- okay so... what are u going to do?

Y/N- oh (u smiled) I'll see at the party

Sarah smiled


U, Sarah, and rafe drove to the party

U have arrived to the party


Rafe was with his friends drinking and making a bet on each other on the game they were playing

Then sarah and u were at the bar station

Then u saw Renaldo walking to the bathroom

Y/N- I'm going to do it already....

SARAH- right now?

Y/N- yea just wait... then u'll see

U went to the bathroom inside the house and followed renaldo

You saw He was waiting outside the bathroom door holding his drink
Then he saw u


Y/N- hey

RENALDO- what are u doing here?

Y/N- same thing ure doing here

Y/N- hey!


Y/N- u wanna make rafe jealous right? (U smirked)

RENALDO- (he smirks) absofuckinglutely baby!

Y/N- come on then follow me

You took his hands and went outside to the party to the pool

U and renaldo took ur clothes off and he only had shorts and u only had ur bikini on

then u both went in the pool there were other kooks too in the pool partying

U and renaldo were talking

U wrapped both of u legs on Renaldo and he carried underwater

RENALDO- so... wat are we going to do baby?

Y/N- fuck me

RENALDO- (he smirks at u) when?

Y/N- right now (u smirked)

RENALDO- wait? What? In front of all these people?

Y/N- yea like right now right here

RENALDO- like... you're being for real? you wanna do this right here? Right now?

Y/N- why do u have so many questions? Do you wanna do it or not? Cause if not I'm gonna find another guy to do this with

RENALDO- screw other guys Choosing me was the right choice... let's do it right now

Y/N- faster then take ur shorts off and I'll take him off

Renaldo took his shorts off and u took ur undies off

Obsession | Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now