⚓️Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ Sɪxᴛᴇᴇɴ⚓️

911 8 2

Y/ɴ's ...

"look, you guys know whose house this is, right?" Kie hesitates as we walk through an entrance to an extremely old house with overgrown vines, it looks more like a jungle.

"Honestly I don't believe the stories of this place," John b exclaims in a neutral tone, I have no idea what the stories are.

"Shh," JJ hisses softly as he puts his finger to John b's mouth.

"Which stories did you hear?" JJ challenges Kie as she's the only person who seems to react to the place.

"The one where she killed her husband with an axe, and that she's been held up ever since, but, on certain nights when the moon is full, you can see her in the window," Kie jokes walking up to JJ very slowly, clearly messing with him. 

"No, it's not funny, 'cause it's all true...I swear to god guys it's all real, I know Hollis," JJ states as we start walking through the 'jungle' again, JJ then gets jumped scared by a tree.

"Wait, you knew Hollis Crain?" I recall stopping in my tracks, the story suddenly hits me.

"Dude, how do you know Hollis Crain?" Pope questions putting a hand on JJ's chest to stop him.

"She was my babysitter man, she told me all about it, told me the truth...about her mother and what happened in this house," JJ responds as I look over at the house, I hope this whole thing isn't true.

"So as a kid, she heard all the stories that her mother killed her father and she was a murderer and all, Hollis didn't believe it, until that night," JJ says sounding the most series I've ever heard him.

"What night?" John B asks.

"It all came back to her when Hollis was six years old, she heard her parents arguing downstairs, so she went downstairs to see her mom washing her hands in the sink...full of blood, her mother just says her father and her split up, but then Hollis notices something, her mother going in and out of someone where constantly with plastic bags, weeks pass, and Hollis decides to use the outhouse and as she's using it, she looks down, and there, in the outhouse is her father's head, looking straight back at her," JJ expresses as he looks straight at John B the whole time.

"God, you are so full of shit," John B exclaims rolling his eyes at JJ.

"Dude, I swear to god man," JJ exclaims in the same way John B did, he looks at me then smirks and looks at John B again.

"Did she call the police?" Pope asks.

"She didn't have time," JJ replies.

"Are you sure you wanna do this? She's an axe murderer, you've got a cast on," JJ exclaims looking at John B concernedly.

"I Don't care if she's an axe murderer, okay? I've got birthing to lose," John B exclaims walking away.

"Come on," I mutter as I touch JJ's arm to get him moving as I walk forward.


John B tells us that as we all go in different directions.


"Psst, this is the only place we haven't looked," John B commands as she calls us all over.

We all go into this underground cellar-looking thing.

When we get in I look around for any signs but can't see anything.

"Another dead end?" Kie asks to look back at us.

"There's not even water in these in these pipes," JJ mutters as he taps some pipes.

"There is no water here," Pope sighs leaning his head back.

"You know why we didn't find it? Bad karma," Kie exclaims looking at me and then John B.

"Oh god, here we go," John B mutters, I roll my eyes.

"Exactly, we had a good thing going, and then you decide to rope in Barbie, and now the trails gone dry," I say walking over to stand next to Kie.

"This is exactly why I didn't want to tell anyone about Sarah," John B grumbles walking up to me.

"Really?" I mutter quietly enough for just him to hear.

"Yeah," he mutters in the same voice as me.

"What the hells the deal with the two of you anyway?" John B asks looking directly at me, but I don't wanna speak about it.

"Nothing," I say walking past him.

"Hey, help me move this," Pope says pointing to the floor, we all make our way over to him and help him out.

We move some plates from the floor to see an old looking well.

"Well, well, well," Pope says looking down and chuckling to himself.

"That was a good dad joke," I whisper to Pope and he looks at me and smirks, I then feel daggers at the side of my head, I look and see JJ looking at me with a facial expression I couldn't really read, he looks a bit sad but it's hard to tell.

"They built this part of the house right over it," Kie explains looking around her.

"This is where she hid the bodies," JJ mutters in a hushed voice as I can tell he's paranoid again.

"Oh, dude come on," Pope huffs annoyed.

"No, dude I'm serious, it was never an outhouse!" JJ exclaims.

"She probably doesn't even know it's here," Kie suggests looking at JJ.

"So...we found water," Pope adds smirking at us all.

"We're gonna need a really big rope," John B jokes also smirking at us all.

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