28 Agreement

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You swim in places you use to drown in. Now, that's resilience.

Marie Atrophy


"Any news from Muawwiz?"

"He sent a letter, sayidi. He has received the gold you sent him and has recruited some soldiers with it," Taha informs him. "The army he's making is growing."

"Good." He spreads a map on the table and studies the markings on it. "Keep in touch with Muawwiz, Taha. Who he includes in the army and what is his strategy, everything needs to be in your knowledge. If you do not approve of anything or have a better plan, let me know."

"Of course, my Ameer. I've reviewed his plans and I didn't see a fault with them. We can discuss it in detail when you've got some time."

He hums in agreement. "Send a messenger to Zahir. Inform him to meet us after the training. We can discuss it then."

"As you please."

"Also," he draws a cross on the map before looking up, "I need you to appoint your most skillful man to spy for me."

"Worry not. I'll bring you the best of my men. But who do you want them to spy on, my Ameer?"

He draws another cross on the map before answering, "Syeda Jumana."


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It's early morning and the palace is still silent when she sees the caliph at the end of the corridor. He crosses before her vision in a blink, and she doesn't get enough time to think through her actions before she rushes up the corridor to stop him. But there is one thought in her head which has pushed her, and that one thought is enough.

Adam has already left the palace. Lately he has been busier than usual, leaving shortly after dawn and returning at the fall of dusk. She has asked him a few times about it, and his only response has been that the things on his hands are many and the time on his hands comparatively less. As days keep piling upon each other, she knows what has her husband occupied. He has assured her that he will tell her of his plan in time, and her only hope has been that it goes as per their will.

"Ameer Sulaiman?" she calls out to the caliph.

Sulaiman stops walking, glancing over his shoulder at her voice before fully turning around to face her. There's another man with him, probably one of his viziers, Noura assumes. She takes a few steps towards them and tips her head in greeting.

"Sabah al khaiyr, sayidi."

"Sabah al nour, Amira," Sulaiman greets her back.

"I wanted to speak to you about an important matter," Noura says. "If you've got some time."

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