Chapter 105 ~ Shoo! Keith! Go Away!

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A few days have passed since our first practical magic class and it has been fairly peaceful.

The heroine wasn't bothering me, though it seems like she's still troubling some people. At least, that's what I've heard from the rumors.

I didn't know the details, but I heard that she has been getting close to some boys and seniors. Normally, it would've been fine for people to mingle since one of the reasons why the academy was built was to also give opportunities for students to make connections with each other, including getting into relationships. Of course, there are lines you shouldn't pass, but as long as it's just on the level of holding hands, it's fine.

But the problem is that some of the boys she had been getting close to already have fiances...

Hah... Is she doing it on purpose? Does she not care whether or not the boy she likes already has a partner?

I can't help but sigh whenever I heard about Aria seducing another guy who already has a fiancee. It's... really unpleasant.

But on the bright side, she hasn't been bothering me or my friends.

She's showing hostility towards us, including Ellie, wherever she has the chance. But at least, she's not actually doing anything to us.

So for now, my peaceful academy days continue.

Now, I'm heading to the dining hall for lunch with Evelyn, Noir, and Ellie. Celine, Illya, and Valerie were unfortunately called by some teachers to help them with something, so they can't come along.

They looked super sad when they couldn't come. But when I promised them that I will eat dinner with them, they perked up again and became excited.

Ufufufu~ Such cuties~

"Pleeeeeease~ Will you reconsider my offer~?"

"I'm sorry... But I would have to decline. Respectfully."

Just then, I heard a sickeningly sweet, high pitched voice from around the corner that made me frown automatically... It was a familiar one.

When we arrived at the end of a hallway and turned the corner, we saw a crowd starting to form around the fluffy, golden-haired heroine, who was looking up cutely at a red-haired hotty.

No wait... Isn't that Keith?

My eyes immediately widened in surprise.

What a shocker! The guy sounded so polite that his face didn't even come to mind!

No, I guess the one I had in my head was the Keith from "Lovely Happenings". The Keith in this world is polite.

"...It's that girl again. And now, it seems like she's aiming for Varion-sama."

"Seriously? Does she think the gentlemanly Varion-sama would be interested with a harlot like her?"

"What a frog in a well. She can't even see that Varion-sama is clearly way out of her league."

"She must've gotten a big head just because she has affinity to the light element. I heard she can't even use it right."

"Really? What a waste of a talent."

U-Uwaaaaah... Those are some nasty comments.

Ooooiii. Heroine. Stop drooling over him. Did you hear them bad mouthing you?

"How unpleasant... Risa-sama, let's make haste to the dining hall."

"Evelyn-sama is right, Alterisa-sama. Let's just ignore them and go ahead."

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