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Word Count: 2363


I slide my hand into Ark's, my breath quickening.

This is my last chance to change my mind, to turn and run through the trees, my fate be damned...

Instead, I allow him to lead me through the door back into the compound. The sound of is closing makes me wince, forcing me to reconsider my position.

Am I strong enough to go into this and then walk away before things get heated? I'm starting to doubt that I'm capable of that, but I suppose I will see.

Ark doesn't say anything as we wind through the corridor, heading toward his private room. I still can't tell if he's playing a game, waiting for me to crack, or if he really does intend to take this all the way tonight.

A few people walk by us, staring with wide eyes. I'm the prisoner, and now I'm walking around holding hands with their leader.

Ark doesn't so much as flinch, nor does he acknowledge them.

Soon enough we reach the door to his room, which he shoulders open, leading me inside.

I pause right in the threshold, my hand falling from his. I've never been in a room he is currently occupying, and it's strangely intimate.

My attention immediately falls upon the large bed in the centre of the room. Ark clearly has spent many nights here, as the room is far more filled out than I would have expected.

Has he been coming here even while he was guarding me?

What am I thinking...of course he has. The thought fills me with enough dread to balk for a moment. What am I doing?

"Are you going to let me go now?" I ask, propping my hands on my hips. "Or do I have to sleep with you?"

He laughs breathily, shrugging off his jacket, draping it on his desk chair. "I'm not going to let you go, and yet you're still going to sleep with me, aren't you?"

My fingers roll up into fists. He's challenging me again, revealing that this isn't a game. He genuinely wants me, and tonight, he's going to seduce me.

I should demand to be taken back to my room, but the bored, tired and very attracted to my mate part of me wants to see how far this is going to go.

"You're greatly overestimating how much I want you," I note, tracking him with my gaze as he approaches me.

He has this arrogant slant to his lips, slowly pulling off his gloves. "Am I?"

My teeth clench together to the point of pain. I could win this exchange by walking from this room, and yet, I remain rooted in my spot, as intrigued as I am bothered.

"You're going to have to impress me."

Something sparks in his eyes. I stay painfully still as he circles me, like he's considering what he is going to do to me.

As he is standing behind me, I feel his fingers weave through my hair, tugging my head back. "Nothing matters tonight. You're my mate, and I want you. If you want to leave this room, by all means, do so. But if you want me as badly as I want you, then stay right here."

There it is. The ultimatum.

I know leaving would be the rational, intelligent decision to make. But the dampness gathering between my legs suggests that I'm about to make a terrible choice.

So, I stand my ground, anticipating his next move.

His hand slips from my hair as he twists me around. The breath is nearly knocked from my lungs as he yanks me against his body, kissing me suddenly.

The Princess's Guard ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя