Chapter Forty Five

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                         A R A B E L L E

"Such a handsome little guy," Elena cooed over the baby and my mother in law nodded in agreement. 

"Of course he's handsome, he's an Ivanov." My father in law said as he smiled down at the baby in his wife's arms. He was 100% right. 

Beauty runs in their genes. 

As well as arrogance. 

"Sof, meet you little cousin," Liam, Elena's husband, raised Sofia closer to Viktor as he showed him to her. 

Mom handed the baby to Elena and came to my side. She put her hand on top of mine and gave it a light squeeze. "Are you ok?" She asked with a concerned face. 

I forced a little smile and nodded. 

"Darling, you know you can always tell me." She said, "I consider you my daughter, you are just like Elena to me. It disturbs me to see you look so lost."

"Did Nick say something?" She asked again. 

"What did Nikolai say to her?" This time it was my father in law. He came towards us leaving Liam and Elena who were cooing over the baby with Sofia in the corner. 

"No, he didn't do anything." I sighed. "I'm just. . . . I'm just afraid, mom."

"What are you afraid of?"

I gulped as the lump started to form in my throat. "I'm afraid that I won't be able to love Viktor like he deserves. I never got to know my mother's love or experience it, even if I did I don't remember."

"I'm afraid to mess up."

Mom sat down on the bed with her hand still on top of mine. "You know when I gave birth to Nikolai and the first time he cried, I cried with him because I didn't know what to do." She said and both me and my father in law let out a chuckle. 

"And I almost cried because both my wife and my son were crying and I didn't know what to do." Dad added and chuckled and then wiped away his tears. "It just feels like yesterday. I can't believe he's already married and has a kid."

"So what I mean is," She said with a little squeeze. "It's ok to mess up, we mothers are human too. We learn from our mistakes."

I smiled and hugged her. "Thank you mom. For everything you did."

"You don't have to thank me for anything dear," She replied as she returned my hug. 

I pulled away after a while. 

"Ok, everythings done," Nick said as he entered the room and his gaze immediately landed on me. "Ready to go home?"


Mom, dad, Liam and Elena left for their place straight from the hospital while we headed home. 

As soon as we reached home, we were welcomed by happy Edwin and Louisa and grumpy looking Gino. He was still grumpy because of Nick teasing him and telling him how our son was going to steal his daughter from him. Nothing can be done with these two. 

"Hello my little munchkin." Louisa cooed at the baby as I handed it to her. She turned to Edwin and showed him to Sam too. "You know, he's going to be my son in law."

"Over my dead body." Gino groaned. 

Both Edwin and Louisa ignored him. "He looks just like the boss." Edwin said. "But he's definitely cuter than the boss." He added to which Louisa agreed. 

"Indeed, he looks like his father." Gino said with a smirk. "Ugly."

Lou and I gasped at the same time. "How dare you Giorgino Lorenzo Ferrari!" Lou said. "You are so going to sleep on the floor tonight."

"Why!" Gino cried out. "I was just stating the truth!"

"Deserved." Nick said with a big smile. 

I shook my head at them and took my son from Lou and went inside with Nick trailing behind leaving Gino apologizing to Lou who doesn't look like she was going to forgive him anytime soon while Edwin just stood there helpless.

Nick had already prepared a nursery for the baby. He turned the nearest room to our room into a nursery. 

As we enter I was left in awe. The room was painted with sky blue paint and had little fishes decorated all over the walls and the whole room was filled with stuffed toys. 

"This is so cute." I said as I turned to Nick who was standing close behind. 

"Do you like it?" He asked placing a light kiss on my lips. 

"I love it." I grinned at him. 

"And does my little soldier likes it?" He kissed his forehead and took him from my arms before placing him inside the crib. 

I went up to him and hugged him side way and he placed his arm over my shoulder. "Can you believe we made him?" He asked. "Our little own human."

I nodded. We stayed like that for a while until he pulled away. 

"Belle, I've got some work to do." He said as he turn my body towards him. "I know I'm not supposed to leave you at times like this but this work is really important."

"What is it about?" I asked him softly as I cupped his face. 

"I'll tell you when I return." He replied. I didn't want to push it too much as he look stressed and he'll be telling me when he returns so anyway. 

"Alright. When will you be back?"

"Maybe a week?" He said. "But don't worry Lou will be here to give you company."

I nodded. "And I believe Gino will be going with you?"

"Yes," He replied then placed a kiss on my forehead. "I'll be back before you know it."

I nodded.

He left early the next morning with Gino. He didn't told me the reason but something inside me told me that it was something related to me which made me feel more uneasy. 

"It will be fine," Lou assured me. "It's not like he's going to a war."

I sighed and nodded as I stared out of the window looking at the dark clouds coming our way. A storm was coming.
A/n: I'm both sad & happy to announce that this book is finally going to end. Less then 5 chapters + epilogue left.

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