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Y/N's POV :

My heart thudded in my chest as I ran with the little bit of energy I had left in my body. My feet were aching, they were begging me to stop but I didn't. Instead I ran even faster.

I abruptly stopped and took some deep breaths to calm down my racing heart then knocked on the old wooden door. I stood there for sometime, waiting for the door to open.

The door cracked open after sometime and my eyes fell on her. She gave me a sweet smile but that quickly fell from her face when she saw my disheveled look.

I was still panting from all the running I did, sweats were dripping down from my face. She frowned her eyebrows after noticing my teary eyes. It didn't took her too long before she wrapped me in a comforting hug.

I broke down in her arms feeling safe and secure.

My Grandma.

The only person who stayed with me through everything.

She was there when my parents tossed me aside and prioritised their work. Even when I started isolating myself from everyone and became a loner, she stayed with me to make sure I don't feel lonely. My lovely grandma literally raised me since I was a 6 year old kid.

After the school hour ended, I knew I had to come here. She is the only person who can calm me down and make me feel better.

I calmed down after sometime and entered inside with my grandma following me. She sat on the couch and signalled me to lay down. I laid on the couch then put my head on her lap, now feeling better than I did some minutes ago. She never asked me anything because she know I will tell her about it when I'm ready.

She understand me better than anyone else and know everything about me, well almost everything. Except that I'm in love with my teacher and her getting engaged is the reason why I am crying.

I don't think I'm ever going to tell her about loving my teacher. Maybe I will tell her about me loving someone except the part where that someone is my teacher.

I really love my grandma, even more than I love my parents. I don't know what I will do without her because she is the only one who care about me and loves me dearly.

My parents say they love me but I am not sure if that's true.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath deciding to stop being a crybaby. I slowly stood up and went to kitchen to drink some water. After that I walked back to where I was and sat down beside me grandma.

I was lost in my own thoughts when i heard my grandma ask me a question which made my eyes widen.

"Mind telling me name of the girl who broke my grand daughter's heart?"

I was shocked when i heard this because i have never told her anything about my love life. I think she knows me better than I thought. I sighed because I couldn't lie to her. It's better to tell her about it so that's what I did.

I told her everything.

Almost everything leaving the part where she is my teacher and 8 years older than me. I just told her that she is my classmate.

My grandma silently listened to everything I said which I was thankful for. When i finally stopped, she took me in her arms again rubbing my back in a comforting manner. I just closed my eyes when I felt tears threatening to spill again.

I decided to spend the night at my grandma's house because I didn't wanted to go back.

I always visit her twice in a week and we spend all the time talking about random things but today I didn't felt good enough for that. So I said goodnight then entered inside my room and closed the door.

I laid awake in bed thinking about her again. No matter how much I tried to sleep and forget about her, I couldn't.

I sighed and waited for the sun to come up because I knew I wasn't going to get any sleep.


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