The End!

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Hello, my loves! For those who have read Bombshells, this is your first happy ending from me and I'm sure you're surprised. I knew I wanted this one to be a bit more lighthearted than Bombshells and hope no one is disappointed with how it ended.

Gemma's story was something I came up with on a whim and started writing sporadically. I hope everyone enjoyed it, even if it got a little dark or tough to read sometimes.

I'm currently working on twenty-ish books at the moment (that's not an exaggeration) and am going to take some time with those. I was thinking about writing some one-shot type stories for Gemma and company, so let me know if that's something you guys would be interested in.

Comment and ive me ideas for stories here!

I already know one story which is going to be Gemma and her love interest. That's one I've been planning for awhile.

Once I have a book I feel really good about pretty much written, I'll post an alert on my account so go follow me for updates! Love you guys! I hope you have wonderful days until we meet again!


See you guys later <3

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