Chapter 24

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When Vivienne returned home, her family greeted her with open arms and warm smiles, which she gladly accepted. They all gathered for a wonderful feast, laughter and joy filling the air as they shared stories and caught up on each other's lives. Vivienne relished in the familiar comfort of her family's company, grateful to be surrounded by their love and care once more. That night, she slept soundly, knowing she was no longer obliged to wake up early or tend to royal duties.

In the realm of dreams, Vivienne found herself in a serene vision of her peaceful life. She wandered through lush meadows, feeling the gentle caress of the breeze and the warm embrace of the sun. It was a dream of contentment and freedom, a reflection of the life she had longed for.

As Vivienne woke up and descended to her living room, she was taken aback to find a young girl standing before her with golden hair and golden eyes. Vivienne blinked in surprise, wondering if she was still lingering in the realm of dreams. The girl's presence seemed ethereal, like a vision from a fairy tale come to life.

"Princess Artemis? Why are you here? School hasn't started yet," her younger brother, Leopold, spoke up, breaking the spell of confusion that had enveloped Vivienne.

'Princess Artemis? The Crown Prince's younger sister! I knew it! I wasn't dreaming!' Vivienne's mind raced as she looked between her younger brother, Leo, and the young woman standing before her, now confirmed to be Princess Artemis. The realization filled her with a mix of astonishment and wonder. How could she have overlooked such a significant detail?

As Vivienne tried to make sense of the situation, she noticed her brother's surprisingly nonchalant demeanor. It dawned on her that Leo and Artemis must be more than just acquaintance; they were likely classmates or close friends. The pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place.

"Leo, how many times do I have to tell you to just call me Artemis," Artemis gently scolded Leopold, her warm smile lighting up the room. "Also, I am here to give your sister a letter."

"You could have had a servant hand it over for you," Leopold remarked, raising an eyebrow at Artemis.

Artemis shook her head with a playful smile. "This is confidential, so I must be the one to hand it over," she replied, her tone filled with determination.

Vivienne accepted the letter, her curiosity piqued. As she carefully unfolded the letter, her eyes widened in shock at the unexpected revelation it held. She glanced up at Artemis, seeking confirmation, and the princess nodded with a knowing smile, affirming that what Vivienne saw was indeed true.

'Ava is really pregnant!' Vivienne thought to herself, her surprise evident on her face. 'That was fast. I should visit her since she did request it. I just stepped out yesterday, and now I have to go back. This is going to be weird.'

"What is going on?" Leopold asked, his curiosity evident in his furrowed brows.

Vivienne took a deep breath as she showed the letter to Leopold. His reaction surprised her - there was no look of shock or disbelief, just a knowing expression that seemed to answer her unspoken question.

"So, are you going to visit her today?" Leopold inquired after finishing reading the contents of the letter.

"I will have to now," Vivienne replied with determination. "Your Highness, thank you for taking the time to give me this letter. I'll quickly get dressed and head to visit the Crown Princess."

"Let's go back together, we can ride using my carriage together, and when you finish visiting, we can come back together as well," the young princess, Artemis, happily offered, her eyes shining with excitement.

Vivienne couldn't help but feel a bit suspicious at the princess's eagerness, but then something clicked inside her mind as she observed the interaction between Artemis and her younger brother, Leopold. She noticed how Artemis looked at him with eyes that held a hint of affection, perhaps even a budding crush. On the other hand, her brother seemed completely oblivious to the situation, lost in his own world.

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