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Qibao added: "Grandma, Qibao can make money now. The money at home is all Qibao's ideas!"

After hearing this, Mrs. Sun looked at each other and hurriedly asked her daughter: "Honglian, is what Qibao said true?"

Mrs. Lin said: "It's true. It was Qibao who dug up ginseng in Daqing Mountain and went to the drug store to exchange it for money, so that the family had money to build a house. Moreover, the vegetables we cooperate with Zuixianlou are also thanks to Qibao. Qibao also worshiped an incredible master who taught Qibao some self-defense skills."

Mrs. Sun sighed: "I see. I asked you how your Xu family suddenly became prosperous. It turns out it was this girl who brought it." After saying that, she picked up Qibao with a doting look and said. "Our Qibao is a lucky baby. Look, the old Xu family's life is getting better and better now that they have Qibao."

Qibao sat on grandma's lap and said: "So just take the money that mother gave you! This is not only the intention of mother and I, but also the intention of my grandma and the others. This money was originally given by grandma to mother to buy some delicious food to bring to grandpa and grandma. Yes, so grandma, don't think so much, just take it!" After saying that, she put the two taels of silver in Mrs. Lin's hand into Mrs. Sun's hand.

Mrs. Sun added: "Well, grandma accepted it shamelessly. Honglian, my in-laws are a good people, even when they have money, they have not forgotten us poor in-laws. Their character is good, and you should respect your mother-in-law well."

Mrs. Lin exclaimed: "Don't worry, mother, all daughters know that my mother-in-law has always been a fair person, both my eldest sister-in-law and my second sister-in-law too!" 

At this moment, an Uncle Xu Dabo's voice came from outside: "Mom and dad, come out quickly, the furniture is here."

After hearing this, everyone in the Xu family came out of the small courtyard in cheers. They saw a dozen or so carriages pulling up loads of goods parked in front of their new house. A man got out of the carriage in front, it was the guy who came to transport the furniture. 

The fellow walked up to Elder Xu and bent down to bow, and said: "Old man, all the furniture you ordered is here. Our shopkeeper hired more than a dozen horse-drawn carriages, otherwise it wouldn't be able to be hauled all at once. I wonder where the furniture should be placed? We brought people to help unload the goods."

Elder Xu replied: "Then please go back and thank the shopkeeper for me. My new house has been built. I just need to place these furniture in the room. Second and third, please help him and see how to place it appropriately." The two brothers immediately ordered the people brought by the clerk to move the furniture into the house. 

Qibao came to her room specially and ordered those people to move the bed, the wardrobe and dressing table were placed in the appropriate places. After placing these things neatly, Qibao began to look at them. This furniture is all handmade, and the carved patterns on it are also very delicate and smooth. A set of mahogany furniture, it makes this room even more elegant and grand. The window of the room faces the Daqingshan Mountain behind the house. It is a large window that opens outwards, and Qibao plans to plant red plums behind it. You can also see plum blossoms in winter, and it will be even better when it snows. Qibao felt good just thinking about it! When the furniture was all set up, the feller bid farewell and left with the crowd.

Elder Xu and Mrs. Wang then took the three in-laws and the curious villagers to start visiting. The originally empty room looked more impressive with furniture. There is a small lotus pond in the yard, but currently there is only water in it and no lotus flowers have been planted there. 

Surrounding the lotus pond is a circular corridor with a railing around it. There is also a wooden chair made around the railing for people to enjoy the flowers. The rooms where the family lives all pass through this corridor. If you open the door in summer, you will see lotus flowers. Qibao's room is at the corner, and there is a clear space there. Qibao wants to plant a peach tree. Qibao especially likes peach blossoms. There is a swing on top and a stone table and bench next to it. You can read and write under the peach blossom tree if you have nothing to do.

The villagers had only seen some grand houses in the town before. But it's just a quick look on the outside. There's no way to know what it's like on the inside. Now that they have entered the old Xu family's house, they think that most of the people in the town are just like this. They all looked around curiously, looking at the blue bricks and red tiles, as well as the stylish furniture in the house. The old Xu family must have spent several hundred taels to build this house! Gee, they are really rich! Everyone is jealous with envy.

 Li's real mother Zhao asked: "In-laws your house is built really elegant, I see that there is no shortage of anything, I wonder when you plan to move in?"

Mrs. Wang replied: "When the family gets things ready, we will move in at any time, now the weather is getting cooler and cooler, and that wall is leaking, it doesn't matter if the adults are fine, don't make the children sick."

 Mrs. Chen, added: "In-laws, your family is in a great state, several of your grandchildren have been sent to the academy, if they pass the exams, your family will be promoted to officialdom."

Mrs. Wang laughed and said: "Look at what you said in-laws, is it possible that my grandson is not your grandson if he is from the old Xu family? The bones are still attached to the tendons, in the future, the children have a good future, can they still forget their grandmother?" There was a burst of laughter in the room.

After visiting the house, Mrs. Chen said: "My dear, it's getting late and we should go back. I'm afraid that my Chunxi will be anxious at home and it will get dark if it gets too late."

Mrs. Zhao next to her nodded and said: "Yes, my family Fugui is expected to come back from work, and if I don't go back, he will probably be worried, so I won't be able to stay much longer."

Elder Xu said: "Sure, I'll let the eldest take you back with the oxcart, and the next time when the three in-laws come, you must come and stay for some time, and we'll drink a few drinks." After saying that, he ordered his three sons to bring over the borrowed ox cart.

When everyone got on the bullock cart, the three daughters-in-law of the Xu family all had red eyes. They finally saw their parents, and they had to be separated again after only one day. They felt very reluctant to part with them.

Mrs. Sun said: "Why are you crying? It's not like I won't see you. I'll come see you when mom has time and take good care of the children, okay?" Mrs. Lin nodded with red eyes.

Qibao and Xiaoliu on the side also had a look of reluctance. They stepped forward and said: "Grandma and grandpa, I will miss you. You must take good care of yourself. Qibao will visit you when he has time." 

Mrs. Sun took her two grandchilden then hugged her and comforted them for a long time, and said: "Okay, let's go back. It's getting late, and you can't see the road in the dark."

The eldest aunt and second aunt next to them had just finished saying goodbye to their mother, and the bullock cart started to drive. Everyone in the Xu family waved goodbye and watched the bullock cart drive away before entering the yard.

The eyes of the three sisters-in-law were still red. Mrs. Wang comforted her and said: "When our new house is arranged, we can invite our in-laws to stay for a few days at any time. Don't be sad. The children will go to school later. Come quickly. Prepare dinner, don't let the children go hungry." The three of them nodded and headed to the kitchen at the same time.

Elder Xu remarked: "Wife, later the family's clothes will be packed up, tomorrow night we will sleep inside the new house, this old house can't be left empty. In the future, we will build a straw hut in the yard and raise some livestock, so that the family doesn't have to go out and buy them when we want to eat them, and it can also lay eggs, and the money to buy them will be saved." Wang agreed after hearing this.

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