Juice Box

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I need to ask her to be my girlfriend. But it has to be too soon.

But it's been weeks. Months.

We've been friends for that long.

It's October. Halloween is in a week and a half. Scarlett and I started talking in August. So only a few months.

We've already established we like each other.

She likes me.

So what the fuck am I worried about?

She told me I'm one of the most gorgeous people she have ever had the pleasure of seeing.

I looked at her.

And that quick glance turned into a daze.

Scarlett Santoro is absolutely perfect. Her face. Her nose. Her eyes. Her hair. Her body. Her mind. God! She is so amazing in every way.

And she is so smart. She takes more AP classes than me. She has a 4.9. She's going to Minnesota State even though I heard she got into a million different schools.

She's kind to everyone. I have never heard any sort of drama she's been in because she's so polite to everyone.

And she thought I was out of reach! She's so high on the popularity scale, I don't understand why she breaks all these rules everyone else has in place.

I think that's one thing I like about her so much. She doesn't give a fuck.

As if she felt me looking at her, she turned her head and her eyes met mine. A blush crept into her cheeks and that made me smile.

She sits all the way across the room from me in here (which I hate) but we make eye contact every time. And every single time, butterflies flutter in my stomach.

I smiled at her.

She smiled back. Then she raised her eyebrows.

I raised mine.

She shook her head and rolled her eyes.

I mimicked her again.

Then she glared.

Just as I was about to glare back, Mr Jacobsen's bald head came into view, blocking Scarlett.

"Miss Wilson."

I smiled up at him, "Mr Jacobsen."

"What is the answer?"

I furrowed my eyebrows together, "The answer?"

He pointed to the board.

Gatsby: Protagonist or Antagonist?

This fool doesn't realize my hyper fixation in middle school was The Great Gatsby. And World War II but that is not relevant at the moment.

I scoffed, "It's deeper than that Mr Jacobsen. Jay Gatsby was in love with a woman who, of course, loved him back but was stuck in a situation in which she couldn't leave. He wasn't a bad guy so let's scratch antagonist. He's literally the main character, Mr Jacobsen. His name is on the cover."

A few kids laughed. Mr Jacobsen fumed.

He crossed his arms over his chest, "Some would call him a stalker. And obsessive. He bought a house on the opposite side of the bay just to be across from Daisy. That's weird."

"That's love, sir. Love makes you do crazy things. Jay followed her across the country because he was in love. And they hadn't even kissed yet!" I shook my head, "Jay did everything for her. Tom Buchanan was the antagonist. He's a horrible guy."

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