⸻ FOUR ⸻

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My great mood hasn't faded by the time I arrive at my building

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My great mood hasn't faded by the time I arrive at my building. I'm even listening to my happy playlist and all.

It feels like nothing can ruin it. Not even my creepy landlady when I accidentally bump into her as I moonwalk my way into the hall. Mrs. Godfrey then proceeds to sermon me for not having signed the lease yet, which is actually her fault and we both know it. As diplomatic as ever, I agree to meet with her the next day to sign it. With the Bee Gees' Stayin Alive back into my ears, I offer her two awkward finger guns and slip past her to climb the stairs, feeling like a scolded child.

Today isn't a good day for my self-confidence as an adult.

A little out of breath, I get to my door on the third floor. I wrestle with it, only to be greeted by my very unfamiliar living room, which serves as a bedroom and a kitchen as well. I also have a single window overlooking the building's pitiful courtyard.

The piles of boxes have me sighing, and I wonder if I'll have the strength and courage to take care of them tonight. I haven't unpacked anything yet, and only opened boxes to take what I need as I go. Today has been tiring enough, though, so I'm not starting the unpacking now.

I drop my bag, pop open the button of my jeans, pull my shirt out of it, and unhook my bra before removing it with practiced gestures. When the cumbersome accessory is taken care of, I throw it on a chair where clothes are already piling up. I drop on the couch, which unpleasantly reminds me of the presence of my phone in my back pocket. There's a message from Kate when I pull it out. I'm waiting!

With a smile, I open our conversation and tap on the camera to call her. It rings twice before she picks up. My smile widens when her familiar face appears on the screen. "Oh, hello Jabba the Hutt," she greets me.

My face in the upper corner of the screen easily explains the insult. "You nasty bitch! You know I'm not to be teased about my double chin."

"You don't have a double chin."

"I do."

"You don't."

"I do when I do that," I insist, shoving my head in my shoulders.

"Everyone has a double chin when they do that, you idiot."

"Not everyone."

"Yeah, you're right. Chris Hemsworth probably doesn't." No need to even try arguing about this one. To Kate, the Australian actor is the apogee of human evolution, flawless in every way. "You're back to your studio, I see?"

"Yeah, just got here."

"So, how was your first day, babe?"

"It went great. It's like I was born for this job and this team. The guys are total nerds, just like me, so it's been awesome so far." I tell her about everything, the company, the office, the "dream team," even about Dakota and Tammy. When I'm done, I stop talking, searching for what else I can tell her about.

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