28. An earful from Tegnuk

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Tonuk's perspective:

Both Tegnuk and Ri had left by now to help clean up the mess the Turo's always liked to make, since it usually blocked the entry for clients.

He sent the footage from Tonuk's room and from around the building to Tegnuk so he could continue reviewing it later on like they discussed.

While working on some documents, he decided to start playing back some memories about Toru to continue finding out about its body language.

While doing this, he remembered how it reacted seeing itself in the mirror and realized that Toru was actually sad now.

He felt pretty bad about this, and though he didn't know what the reason was, he wanted to try to help out, so he called Ri while still working and asked him to help out getting more toys for Toru to try.

He asked specifically for Ri to get toys meant to be chased, since Toru had front facing eyes, so it was a predator, so maybe it was sad from not being able to hunt.

He explained his findings and when Ri had gotten everything, he brought Toru over to its room, though it had now decided once again that it didn't like to be picked up.

He let it go into the room and watched as it decided to completely ignore everything and hide away in the corner, seemingly scared by its position.

Ri tried to get it to play, but was ignored again, meanwhile, he went over to take a climbing tree from the Turo's, since they didn't use it even once, but mostly because of how quickly Toru could climb, as seen before when it played with the Turo.

This also had him theorizing that maybe his pride was a bit hurt from being chased.

They tried to make Toru move but it continued to sit in the corner, so they left for a moment to look for anything else it could play with.

While searching in the storage, he looked at the camera and saw that now, Toru was finally playing, which made them fairly happy.

Along with this, it had gone back to a completely neutral and relaxed face, so it was pretty good evidence that it meant happiness.

They let it play for a moment while they were looking around for anything else, and they found a slightly old carrier meant to protect weaker/younger Turos from the cold, which made them realize it was already very late.

They had to hurry up and go back home to not be snowed in and trapped inside the building, due to a prognostic about an unexpectedly strong snow storm.

They managed to get Toru into the carrier without issue, some of its toys and a change of clothes, and so they hurried outside.

Thankfully, the snow wasn't covering the door yet, and he managed to trudge through, though he did have to give Ri a piggyback, since he had gotten stuck.

They let Toru go, gave it some food, which seemed to make it happy, meanwhile, Ri went over to check the response from the police, and thankfully there were good news.

The investigation and criminal report was finally done, they were just finishing up some legal issues since it was a very complicated case.

Still, this meant that they could finally get someone proper to investigate the site specifically to see how Toru managed to live.

They led it to bed and it seemed too hesitate as it walked over to the bed, then making a weird face and walking to the other bed.

They were a bit confused but they decided to just let it sleep there like before, since if it changed its mind it could simply walk a bit and join them when they went to sleep.

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