Chapter 28

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"Shit," Chan cursed

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"Shit," Chan cursed. He drew his hands down my back once more and gave me one last kiss. It was selfish and delayed him getting to I.N., but he was sweet and didn't want me to feel tossed aside.

He eventually stood, though, and threw his shirt back on. He handed me mine, and I re-dressed myself before he opened the door.

He grabbed our luggage that had been placed in the hallway. "Where is he?" he asked Jeongin as he looked up and down the hall.

"He'll be at the sound check," Jeongin informed him.

Chan nodded, and Jeongin headed back down the hall to his room.

"Shit. Shit," Chan shouted as he shut the door.

"What does he want?" I asked. Chan was pacing back and forth. He looked stressed and scared, and it was making me nervous.

"Remember on the bus when I told you I'd gone rogue by dating you? That it was against the rules for idols to date."

I nodded.

"I hadn't exactly cleared our relationship with JYP."

"Chan," I gasped.

"And I've been avoiding his calls..."

"Chan!" I scolded. I could've guessed that it had initially been an impulsive decision, but I would've thought he'd have gotten it approved by now.

"I'm sorry. I just... I couldn't do the fan service anymore," he slumped onto the bed. "When Felix suggested it...I jumped at the chance to not have to do it. I didn't think." He shook his head in frustration.

I joined him and held his hand. I kissed the back of his in an attempt to soothe him.

"I had hoped he would be too busy to come and shut it down."

"Shut it down?" I asked. Was I going to be sent away?

"Well, obviously he's here to break us up. Why else would he fly all the way to Atlanta?"

I still hadn't fixed my reputation. I was just beginning to explore my relationship with Chan. It couldn't be over. It had barely just begun.

"Don't you have a say? Doesn't it matter at all what you want?"

Chan sighed, "No, it doesn't."

"Well, I'm not ready to give up so easily," I argued.

"I don't know what we can do."

"We can make him hear us out. We can try," I told him. I stood and went to open our suitcases. I grabbed a pair of jeans from mine and a sweater of Chan's I recognized from a photo shoot.

I changed in the bathroom. I put on minimal but pretty makeup. I curled my hair and clipped it away from my face. I would appear perfect for JYP. I'd give him no reason to shun me right away.

I walked out of the bathroom. The first thing I noticed was that Chan looked nice. He'd put on a white collared shirt and jacket with a pair of black skinny jeans. The second thing I noticed was that he had set aside a pair of brown boots for me to wear.

I put them on and looked at myself in the mirror. My bootcut jeans and his sweater paired nicely together. Chan came up and wrapped his arms around me and held me from behind. I looked at him through the mirror.

"You look handsome," I complimented. His eyes went to the sleeves of his sweater that were too long, and he turned me around so that he could roll them up. He made sure the bracelet was visible.

"You look beautiful," he whispered. Though I'd heard him say it a few times today, it made my heart skip a beat. I leaned forward and kissed him.

"It'll be okay," I assured him. I wasn't sure how I'd make that happen, but if I believed it would be, then maybe it would manifest itself to be true.

"Ella," Chan looked upset at whatever he was about to tell me. "With JYP here, you can't change the fan service. We got around it yesterday, but we can't do that tonight."

"But the others..." my heart sank. They'd been so excited to be done with it.

"I know. But they'll understand," he told me.

"If he weren't here, how would he find out if y'all just stopped doing them completely?" I asked.

Chan looked pained. "We've tried before but one of the security details always tells him. I wouldn't be surprised if they flagged last night to him, too."

"I didn't know..." I began. Maybe my trying to help was why he showed up. Maybe I had made it worse.

"Ella," Chan looked at me sincerely, "What you did was a good thing. Even if JYP makes it impossible for us to ever do that again, we'll always remember that you helped Jeongin."

"Don't speak about me like I'm already gone," I asked of him. "Please. You need to believe that we can convince him to let me stay."

"I'll try."

There was a knock at the door. "Time to go," Seungmin announced.

Chan and I walked out and got in the front of the line. We weren't going to hide behind the others in fear of him.

"You're bringing Ella?" Seungmin asked. "Is that a good idea?"

"It's our only idea," Chan answered and stared straight ahead.

I wondered if the fans on our walk to the bus could tell something was wrong. Each of us barely waved or smiled at them as we walked by.

The energy on the bus was strange, too. We were all fearful of what he would say or do. But there was an underlying tone of bravery. We were like soldiers on our way to battle.

Chan and I held hands, quietly going over the potential outcomes in our minds. Changbin and Seungmin looked angry. Felix stared out the window to pass the time. Hyunjin distracted himself with a book. Jeongin sat with one leg up on the bench and played anxiously with the laces of his shoe. Han was panicking in the corner and Lee Know held him tightly and kissed his forehead. I hadn't even realized they were together until now

I knew that I'd have to impress JYP, not only so that I could continue being with Chan, but to keep the other guys from fan service. They all had secrets and lives that were being controlled by someone else. They all deserved better than this. The bus stopped, and we lined up to head inside.

Chan and I stood in the front with our hands together, ready to lead them in.

"You can back out if you want to. Nobody would blame you," Chan offered.

"I can't do that," I replied. The thought of meeting JYP terrified me, but I couldn't just abandon them.

"Why not?" Chan asked.

"Because," I began and squeezed his hand while I looked at him earnestly, "I want more."

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