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Chapter 646—The Astonishing Revelation

"I pondered throughout the entire night, but I simply can't think of any force in Miluo Continent today that could have destroyed Liu Li Sect. Our Qingxia Sect certainly lacks the capability," the Sect Master expressed, his brow furrowing.

He let out a sigh and added, "However, I fear that the Feng Family won't share the same view."

"At present, the only forces in Miluo Continent capable of rivaling the Feng Family in terms of power are our Qingxia Sect and the Shen Family. If the Feng Family fails to identify the culprit behind the destruction of Liu Li Sect, it is highly likely that they will suspect our Qingxia Sect," another elder chimed in, his face displaying a deep frown as he grasped his beard.

"That's precisely what concerns us," another elder concurred, sharing the same worries. "The Feng Family already harbors fear towards our Shen Family. With Liu Li Sect exterminated and suffering heavy losses, they may fear that our Shen Family will grow even stronger."

"They monopolize the supply of medicinal pills, leaving us financially strained. Even if we are innocent, I'm afraid they will place the blame on us. They could use this as a justification to cut off our access to medicinal pills for Qingxia Sect," a worried voice expressed.

"What are we to do then? Without medicinal pills, how can our disciples advance and cultivate?" another elder questioned, the concern evident in his voice.

"Are we expected to beg for mercy from the Feng Family?" someone scoffed.

"In your dreams! Have you not seen the video circulating in the black market today? How virtuous can the Feng Family be when they have raised such a shameless daughter? We must not compromise with the Feng Family!" another voice declared firmly.

"Yes! We have long been displeased with the actions of the Feng Family..."

The hall buzzed with discussions as everyone expressed their worries. Most of the members of the Shen Family were known for their stubbornness and sense of justice, making them naturally disdainful of the petty tactics employed by the Feng Family. However, now that their sect's weakness was exposed and in the hands of others, refusing to compromise would mean sacrificing their disciples' future.

Amidst the prevailing despondency, a disciple entered the hall, holding an inscribed jade slip in his hand. This was a message from Shen Sen, delivered through the unique flying eagle of Qingxia Sect.

"Why would Shen Sen send a message at this time? Moreover, he and the group of disciples who participated in the Big Hunting Match were expected to have returned by now. Instead, Shen Sen sent an inscribed jade slip. Could something have gone wrong?" the sect master wondered aloud.

Taking the inscribed jade slip from the disciple, the sect master used his Divine Sense to read its contents. Suddenly, his calm expression changed. He stood up abruptly, staring at the disciple with a trembling voice, "Is... is this true?"

The disciple was taken aback, and the elders in the hall were equally surprised by the sect master's reaction. All eyes turned to the sect master, awaiting an explanation.

Taking a deep breath to compose himself, the sect master asked, "Is there anything else besides the inscribed jade slip sent by the Flying Eagle?"

The disciple snapped back to attention and nodded quickly, saying, "Yes, there is. There is also a storage ring. I meant to mention it earlier."

Seizing the storage ring, the sect master swept his hand, causing the items within to materialize in front of everyone.

They were jars... of medicinal pills?!

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