Chapter 22

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Her eyes...

Her eyes are so full of betrayal, of distrust and disappointment. Full of pain.

I put that there. I made her trust me just for the rug to be pulled away, and now she sees everything that was underneath. No more lies, no more secrets. Everything has been displayed in front of her, waiting for an explanation.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that she's a wolf, and now I have to explain why I was hiding my wolf, and why I was hiding the way I knew her dad was a wolf. It's a mess.

"Noella," I start, calm, even, balanced. "No one in this forest is a human. Rogues or the other creatures that live out there smell them immediately if they get in here. They don't survive more than a night here. That's why you were such a surprise, but I guess it all makes sense now."

"Because I have a wolf," she states reluctantly.

I nod, my thumb still rubbing lazily along her hand. It's calming me and probably her, so I'll keep it there as long as she'll let me.

"So... Kyler, Rowan? They're wolves too?"

I nod with a grim expression, cringing inside at all the lies that are unraveling before her.

"But they only lied because I made them," I amend. "Nobody here has lied to you intentionally."

Her eyes lock with mine, betrayal and tears glistening within them.

"Except you," she whispers.

An exhale shoves its way out of my mouth as I run a hand through my hair.

"Just me, but I only did it to protect you," I say, holding her eyes as I push sincerity into the words.

She lets out a weak laugh that holds no humour.

"That's the same thing my father said to me on the other side of my cage," she says bitterly, face twisting in anger. "Why does protection have to be wrapped in lies? what does withholding the truth do to keep me safe? What does not knowing you're a wolf do to protect me?"

My eyes trace the pattern I draw on her hand as I ask, "Does knowing my true self make you afraid? Did finding out about your father make you scared?"

Her throat works with a swallow before she whispers, "Yes."

My wolf riots in my head, pounding on the brick wall I made. Pushing him away just as I've been doing since Noella came. It's not fair.

"So to answer your question, I was protecting myself, not you. I didn't want you to be scared of what I could be, and instead get to know what I am."

She looks to her lap as a weak scoff leaves her.

"I already told you that I don't see you as a monster. I still don't. You just won't listen," she says frustratedly. "Yes, I'm scared, but not of you. I'm scared of the unknown. I'm scared of the lies I keep finding. I've never been scared of you, Nixx, and I would have listened had you cared to talk, except instead of trusting me with the truth, you made me trust you with lies."


"You're right, I did lie. I have no excuses, no reason to defend myself other than I'm a selfish individual who should have been more open with you when it was clear you trusted me. I'm so sorry, Noella."

She lets another weak laugh free.

"This is such a mess," she groans. "I don't know what to do anymore. My father is a rogue leader, my mother is on the other side of the planet, my only home is probably stolen by now, and I have nothing left to fight for." She looks out the window as she adds, "My father was what kept me going, and now that he's... I don't even know."

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