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"Haley, have you stole money from me?" My mom asks as she enters my room "what?" I asks "answer my fucking question" she says raising her voice

"No!" I lies "fucking liar" she says "I didn't steal shit!" I says "so it's all a bit conspiracy against you, right Haley?" She asks "yeah, maybe that is" I says "well maybe not! 200 dollars, 200 dollars have been missing in my wallet, explain this!" She yells

"Maybe you didn't count good I don't fucking know it's not my problem" I says "it's not your problem?" She says before she starts throwing things in my room "mom stop!" I yells before she goes to my closet and throw some drawers

"What's that?" She asks pointing on the bag full of meth in it "mom, please" I says "what are you gonna tell me, that they're vitamins?" She asks throwing it at my face

"You know what? you fucking bitch-" I says standing up before she shoves me "what the fuck did you just called me?" she yells "a bitch!" I says

"Oh I am a bitch? And you're a fucking junkie" she says "wow, you got a junkie daughter and a dead husband, great family mom!" I says before she hits me

"For fuck sakes Haley! Stealing money for drugs? What the fuck happened to you? You are fucking mental" she says "fuck you" I says

"You would not speak to me like that or steal from me! Not under my roof, I am so tired of your shit" she says "who even wants to live under your shitty roof" I says

"You know what? No one force you to live under this shitty roof" she says "what the fuck are you saying?" I asks

"I want you to leave this fucking house, that's what I am saying. If it's that bad then you are more than welcome to walk out of that door" she says "you know what? Fuck you" I says packing a couple of clothes in a bag "I want you to take all your shit!" She yells as she hits me

"Get the fuck out of my house!" she yells "is that what you want?" I yells "yes!" She yells "fine! I am fucking out of here!" I yells "this shit will kill you Haley!" She yells "yeah, fuck you!" I says walking away


JJ's pov

"This is bad, this is really bad" I says walking in circles "she will be fine, it's Haley" Kie says "it's not Haley, it's not her" I says

"Look she will be fine" Kie adds trying to calm me down "she almost got raped the other night!" I snaps "JJ, please calm down" Pope says

"I can't" I says "there is no parties today, I checked. maybe she is just chilling or something" Kie says "just chilling for her is doing drugs" I says

"But what can we do? I mean we can't protect her from herself, we tried that, that didn't work" Pope says "we didn't try enough" I says

"JJ, stop" Kie says "I can't just sit here and do nothing!" I says "look I want to help her too, but you can't help her like that, calm down and we'd think of something, okay?" She says and I nods sitting down

"Sarah would know what to do" Kie says "she knew her the best" Pope says "yeah" I says before I gets a call "guys it's Haley!" I says and they both immediately looks at me

"Haley?" I ask as I answer the phone "Jay" she says in a broken voice "where are you?" I asks "I am so sorry Jay" she says "Haley where are you?" I asks again "At the chateau" she says "what are you doing there?" I asks as I was on my way, running to the chateau

Fever dream • JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now