Chapter 3

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As I walk into school I see Jennifer walking towards me. She's practically glowing and she know it.

"Hi, Emily! How was detention yesterday?" She inquires, linking her arm with mine. I've never been a big fan of physical touch and as soon as it's not rude I let go of her arm.

"Great actually. I got to choose what I did, so it was quite relaxing," I respond with a smile.

"I'm relieved you made it out in one piece. With Ms. Anderson, you never know. She was in a mood yesterday," she chuckles.

"Well, during detention, she was surprisingly nice, so I guess she has some serious mood swings," I mention as I head to my locker to gather the stuff I need today. We only have two classes together today: English and calculus, and oddly enough, I'm actually pleased about it. Don't get me wrong I like Jennifer, but at times she's quite chatty and doesn't seem to know when to stop.

Our first class is calculus, and we just have to do a worksheet. After that, we go our separate ways: I have Biology, and she has History. Biology can be fascinating, but sometimes it's just not. Today is one of those days. It feels like the clock is moving extra slow before the bell finally rings, and I practically sprint out of there. Next up is chemistry, which can swing between interesting and not so much. We had to work in groups on a lab today, which turned out to be really fun.

The final class of the day was English, and just the thought of it made my cheeks flush. I settle into a seat at the back, and a little later, Jennifer joins me.

"Did you ask your friends if it's okay for me to go come along this weekend?" she whispers, even though Ms. Anderson isn't even here yet.

"Yeah, I did. They're totally okay with it," I whisper back with a smile.

"Great! What are you wearing? And where are we going?" she asks eagerly.

"We're heading to a bar, and I'm going to wear something comfortable. It's not a place to dress up too much. But feel free to if you want," I reply just as Ms. Anderson walks in.

"Alright, everyone, today's lesson is on Shakespeare and his plays," she announces while jotting down his name on the board. I'm staring again, but she's looking as good as always. She's wearing those pants she was wearing Monday, but this time in the colour brown. Her top has a low-cut v-line, and I can't help but keep looking as she leans on her desk to check her computer.

As she's teaching, we have to make notes. And I did.. at first. But then I started staring again, for god knows how long, before Jennifer gave me a little push. I look at her and she nods at the front of the room. Ms. Anderson is waiting with anticipation in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you, miss." I apologise and she sighs.

"How old is Juliet in the play?" She asks me and luckily for me, I know that one.

"She's fourteen." I answer and Ms. Anderson looks a little impressed but as soon as I catch it it's gone again.

"Do you also know how old Romeo is?" She asks me as she crosses her arms.

"It's not explicitly stated, but people believe he's two or three years older than Juliet which would make him sixteen or seventeen." I answer and again she's looks surprised.

"That's correct." She nods and turns around again. I let out a breath and look over to Jennifer who's already smiling at me.

The bell rings, and everyone begins to pack up. Ms. Anderson distributes the assignments we worked on earlier in the week as we exit the classroom. She gives me mine, and I grin upon seeing the A+.

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