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Kai didn't talk about what he wanted, but he did stay until the pizza was gone. He talked about comic books and flirted with Valera any chance he got, but he knew he had no chance with her.

She was the first girl who didn't fall for his charm, his looks, his first real friend. They bonded over pizza and comic book, but also over their families. Even though they didn't speak of it, they knew about it.

Dawn was right about Valera. She was a good listener, and she knew just what to say to make someone feel better. She made him feel better by just talking about comics and eating pizza.

Kai used to do that with Dawn, but Dawn wasn't into comic books like he was.

While Dawn liked music, Kai liked art, any type of art.

His parents had told him that art would never get him anywhere in life, but he doesn't believe them.

Art was his passion, and he would do anything to keep doing it to achieve it.

"..you're smiling." Startled, Kai lifted his head and paused just as he was about to walk into his room.

"No, I'm not." Kai told his brother, who grinned at him.

"Don't worry, Princess has that effect on people." Dawn replied

Kai shook his head ,"I have no idea what you are talking about." Kai walked into his room and closed the door behind him, letting out a small sigh.

He took off his jacket and tossed into his chair before dropping himself on his bed.

The weight on his shoulders feeling lighter than before and a smile made it to his face.

Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to talk to someone.

He is definitely gonna talk to Valera more.


Early in the morning, Valera was looking for her..for the pogues, but she couldn't find them anywhere.

She was walking down the street when a car pulled up beside her. "Get in." It was her father, and Sarah was in the passenger seat.

Valera eyed Sarah with a raised eyebrow, but she got in the back barely, having time to close the door as Ward took off.

"Where are we going?" Valera questioned, leaning forward, in between Sarah and her father.

"Sit back and put your seat belt on." Ward demanded, and Valera leaned back, putting on her seat belt.

"You didn't answer my question." She told him, and Ward sighed, "somewhere."

That didn't really answer her question, but she knew something was going. Ward was acting off, and Sarah was tense.

"Give me your phone." Ward suddenly said,

"I don't have it with me," Valera lied, "I left it at home, I accidentally cracked the screen this morning."

Ward didn't say anything but seemed to believe her lie.

Valera had a bad feeling about all of this.


"..what are we doing here?" Valera questioned, looking at the small plane in front of her with her hands on her hips.

There were people putting boxes inside, and Valera asked, but she was ignored like usual.

"We're going on a trip. Both of you get inside." Ward told the twins.

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