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Killian spent four hours in political meetings.

The lords of the remaining territories were trying to get approval to remove the Palace of Adestia, claiming that it was a symbol of hope for the people of the Adestian kingdom, that one day their fiery princess would return, being as her body was the only one unaccounted for. But he and his father argued that it was a reminder for people, that the Solara kingdom was able to wipe an entire bloodline off the face of the earth, and no one would be able to forget the scorched interior of the palace, which was destroyed by their very own princess. Kiliian always felt a little wrong having to defend his father's actions, Princess Avyanna had always been kind when they met as children, though he knew she was blessed by the fire goddess, and he knew that his father had used that to his advantage when he stormed the palace. Gods, Princess Avyanna had only been eight or nine when that happened, and she hadn't been seen since, it was like she wiped herself from the face of the earth, and Killian had hardly remembered what she looked like.

The prince was turning the corner to Avyanna's chambers when he was stopped, speechless by the woman in front of him.

If he thought Avyanna was beautiful at the townhouse, seeing her dressed in a mockery of a dress made her devastating. The emerald green silk fell over her body and reminded him of the rolling hills he once loved to run on, a gold chain belt cinched the fabric at her waist, forcing the rest of the fabric to fall between her legs. The golden heels laced up her legs, the muscles framed by the intricate details of the straps, and her hair, gods her hair. It was physical moonlight, the blonde hair so pale it looked like ripples in silver, falling down her back in curls, a golden clip pulling half of her hair from her face. Killian's mouth went dry as she looked in the mirror and he saw the scars down her back. Gods, Arwan didn't punish her, no he tortured her, he had lashed an A across her spine, a permanent reminder of who she would always belong to. And if he wasn't so horrified by how the assassin master moved, the prince would go back to slit his throat, to spill his blood for hurting this beautiful woman.

"You know Princey," Avyanna's voice had a sultry lilt to it, and Killian had to snap his eyes back up to her face, "You could have me painted," She purred, a delicious sound that sent a shiver up his spine, "I wouldn't mind."

The confidence Avyanna had as she walked across the room to him was intoxicating, and Killian slipped his hand between her arm and the fabric of the dress, holding the divet in her body above her hip. Just to keep her an arm's length away, she was intoxicating, the way his blood seemed to call for her was overwhelming. She was a stranger for gods sake, a pretty face should not want to send him to his knees like this. "I'll keep that in mind darling," She flashed a smile that made him realize how he must look when he flirts with the women of his court, "I wouldn't mind having you framed above my bed."

"Oh," Avyanna's hand came to rest on his black tunic and it was so delicate despite the scars around her wrists, "Is that a promise Princey?"

A throat cleared behind him and he looked over his shoulder to see Hadeon and Killian's little sister in the doorway. They had been married for a little over three months now and he swore his baby sister glowed every time she stood beside his best friend. "Avyanna," Killian cleared his throat, moving to stand beside her, his hand still resting on her hip, "Meet my little sister, Princess Esmeray."

"Please brother," Esmeray strolled into the room, no fear in her steps as she approached the assassin, "I lost the title of princess when I married your brute of a best friend, I'm now only a Lady," Hadeon made a noise behind her but Esmeray looked over her shoulder, brown hair sparkling in the dim light from the jewels adorning it, "I love you husband, but you are a brute." Killian looked over to Avyanna when she stifled a laugh, making Esmeray gleam at the reaction, "You must be who's representing my brother for these horrible trials," She cut her brother a look, "Leave it to you to find the prettiest woman out there who can kill and make her your game piece on the board," When Esmeray looked back at Avyanna, her face was serene like she was conversing with a friend, "It's an honor to meet you, angel of death."

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