Take a dip

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Robert meet up with Alistair and they got back in Alistair's car and they made their way back to London.

"How long did it take?" Alistair asked

"Not long, not long at all." Robert answered.

"How bad was it ?" Alistair asked.

"Trust me you don't wanna know." Robert answered and Alistair nodded

"So where you taking me Al."Robert asked.

"We're taking a dip." Alistair answered

"So you finally got that pet project off the ground eh." Robert smirked

"Indeed I did." Alistair replied. They got out the car and walked through the people traffic until they were right next to River Thames.

"I've never seen shadows that make it that hard to see in my life." Robert said looking at a dark corner near the river as they walked towards it.

"It's all Merlin's doing, I don't exactly understand the details but this corner will stay pitch black 24/7." Alistair said whilst they stood on a transparent platform on the river ,the two went down a glass elevator, sure the River Thames wasn't the cleanest in the world but that didn't make they're descent into Chivalry HQ any less impressive. It wasn't beautiful by any stretch of the imagination the trash down there made sure of that, but there was nothing else quite like it.

"Just so you know this will be your first and last assignment in the field."
Alistair said staring at the fishes.

" I thought you wanted me to stay, I have to we can't just let Pine carry out his plan whatever that is." Robert said staring at the trash moving through the dingy water as if they were the enemy.

"Agreed but field work is a young man's game and you've been kicking about for a few years shy of 50, even if you didn't retire when you did the SAS would've forced you to retire two years ago." Alistair said looking at Robert.

"Well I'd be lying if I said my age wasn't slowing me down but what's the alternative, Like you said we can't trust the proper channels, we're going to have to recruit ex forces, preferably with no attachments.

" If you want to be safe we could just make sure they're dead, legally speaking of course." Alister said and they tried not to smile, after all he just said they'd fake the death of soldiers, probably inform their families, hold funerals etc.

They got off the elevator...finally, and Alistair punched in a security code to open several the reinforced titanium doors in front of them. The headquarters was still under construction more specifically in it's early stages but it was obvious Alistair was going for a vintage look. Who knows it might be a stunning secret bunker when it's finished but for now it was a loosely organized mess.

"Well we can deal with administrative concerns later, right now you need to get an agent of mine back" Alistair's stern demeanour returned.

" Straight to business, I like it, where you off to?" Robert asked.

" I've got to attend a meeting." Alistair said whilst hanging up his coat.

"A meeting, with who?" Robert asked with great curiosity.

"Oh with the MI6 chief, it's just a defence briefing nothing to scandalous, if I'm going to keep this all this secret I can't forget to go to work can I." Alistair smiled again smiled and walked away.

"whose briefing me then ?" Robert asked.

"The head of Ranger division, you two are going to have to get used to each other's company after all for Chivalry to work our assassins need Intel that's why the Knight and Ranger division must work closely together." Alistair turned to Robert and walked away again.

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