Part Twelve

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The Warden approached Watkins and said, “Sir, it’s been three hours now since we began the incursion operations. The infiltration units for police and communication positions are reporting success. Utilities and the airports are next. We have confirmation that the military bases are loyal to us after your earlier site visits, Sir. I’m told we should have support armor entering the city shortly.”

Then the Warden added, “Quite frankly, Sir I’m optimistic.”

Watkins beamed with pleasure and said, “Excellent Warden, continue the operation and give me updates every half hour. I share your optimism.”

The Warden walked back into the Governor’s conference room that they had now filled with communications equipment to establish a command post. In the background, Holly was busy laying out food for the men.

Watkins pointed to Governor Tinley and said, “Princess, remove his gag.”

Then he said to the Governor, “Gov, no need to follow my commands anymore, act completely you from now on. I want to talk to you.”

As soon as Clara removed his gag Governor Tinley shouted out, “You’ve just kidnapped a sitting Governor. You’ll never get away with this!”

Clara watched Governor Tinley’s face fill with an anger she had never seen before as he yelled and struggled against the duct tape that bound him to his leather chair.

“Clara,” said the Governor, “You used to be someone I could trust, what happened to you?”

“She’s with me now Gov, that’s what happened,” interrupted Watkins.

Then he turned to Clara and said, “Princess, toss me the smokes.”

Clara removed a cigarette for herself then threw the pack across the room. Watkins deftly caught it and lit one. He stepped close to the Governor, dragged in deeply and blew the smoke in his face saying,

“And yes, we will get away with it.”

“We should have let you die a long time ago,” Retorted the Governor.

“That’s right,” said Watkins, “but you didn’t, instead you decided to play God, and now you have to deal with the consequences. All of you.” 

Clara stood at the far end of the Governor’s office watching with mild interest as the two men argued. She had been in this office many times in the past as an invited guest. That’s why it was so easy to gain entrance this time. The governor’s guards had been either turned or killed. The ones who turned would now do her beloved’s bidding. So it would be for everyone who lived in Lincoln, turn or die.

Her love had promised her to be rebirthed and join him as a young woman sharing his new kingdom. Life Renewal Technologies had a facility in Lincoln that was originally built to handle prisoners.

Renewed youth had disgusted her before, but now she looked forward to it. Age had brought wisdom, so she thought, but now she only wanted youth so she could be attractive to him. No one else mattered to her anymore except him. She would do anything to be his Princess.

“I’m glad to see you’re still wearing your prison uniform, Mr. Watkins. You’re going to need it, because you’re going back to a cell,” said the Governor. “Before long the National Guard will be here and then you’ll get a lesson in the real use of power. If you let me go now, I’ll intervene and we can avoid any large scale bloodshed. I know that somewhere inside you is a rational man. Let me talk to him. Let me reason with him.”

“Sorry Gov, that person died in prison ninety years ago. People like you wanted to punish people like me and you played God to do it. But the side effect you didn’t count on was creating a natural selection for criminals. You don’t realize it yet, but I’m the first of a new ruling class. Survival of the fittest is back with a vengeance, and you better be ready to be part of the winners, or become fertilizer.”

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