This is the part of me, that you're never gonna ever take away from me

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I rose at 6:00, which was a bit too early for Adrianus, who simply rolled over and fell back to sleep, signaling that I could leave. I had a shower, and as a steaming water rolled gently over me, I realized I hadn't noticed a scratch I had been given by the roof tiles. I scrubbed it as much as I dared, making not to avoid it at all costs.

When I was finished, I got back and put on one of my black polyester shirts, which I partnered with black pants after checking the weather. I then added my red flats, which fitted me perfectly, which was a bit disconcerting. I then put on my trench coat, and finally added all 30 of my knives into the various hidden pockets, many of which I was still discovering when I arrived outside at 7:59, where all of the group were already waiting. We headed off towards town, not taking the cars or anything like that, we were spending as much time looking at the neighbourhood. The green gardens sparkled with the beautiful morning dew, the trees that spanned out over our heads gave great shade from what would be a scorching hot day, making me want to just stay here for a while, underneath a maple tree, letting the tree shield me from the rest of the world.

We slowly made our way closer and closer to the actual city, soon we had left suburbia behind and were entered the shopping district. We headed into the first store that the girls pointed at, which was a hairdresser store. I was sat down in front a mirror and was given a completely new look, which was beautiful if I looked at hair more carefully. We continued to wander through, stopping for various things, which I was glad was not just for me, with everyone getting something or other during our trip.

I was now carrying three bags full of clothes and other accessories, which everyone else had said I needed, well, the girls said so and the guys automatically joined in the cause.

By the end of the first hour I was so tired of trying on different clothes and buying them. The girls directed us to a food court, where we stole about 1,000 dollars and went back to shopping, even though there was almost nothing more to do, the girls seemed to have this idea drilled into their heads that they needed to shop more and more, no matter how many times I brought up the idea of leaving. By 12:00 I was not only tired, I was also bored. I had bought another set of shirts, day coordinated underwear and socks, I had bought more pants and shorts, and even had a black and red tuxedo in case I ever required one. I started to suggest moving out, or at least to the food, and Sling suddenly picked up on it, ushering us towards the food court, where we all sat down and ordered whatever we felt like, which wasn't a lot, but enough to make you feel tired.

When the meals came, Katana, Glaive, Loch and Rapier all flashed her smiles that almost made her faint. We got a freebie on lunch because of it, even if the girls were skeptical about the entire thing.

When we had finished lunch, the girls finally agreed that it was time to head home, and so navigated us out if the mall, and we all walked home, looking at the amazing trees that had seemed so peaceful this morning, being chopped at and thrown around the wind, which had picked up and was being carried all throughout town.

When we got home the first thing I did was take my stuff upstairs and pack away all of my clothes, which took a while to work out how it was all going to fit, but I ended up placing them in drawer level depending on where they sat on the body, so shirts when at the top, then jumpers, then underwear, then pants, then socks and lastly shoes, which had a nice and comfortable resting place.

After that I went upstairs and practiced against an ai dummy, which was surprisingly difficult, and the computer could take my moves, and so was able to form movements that would hit me with. I dealt with the first dummy, only for another one the turn up, expecting to be attacked, which I ended up doing, so quickly that the ai was unable to react fast enough, meaning that the next dummy fell to the ground, useless, and it was unable.

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