Chapter Thirteen

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Here’s number am i on again? Oh right, thirteen, right?? I could be wrong…oh well. So yeah, this chapter’s a little shorter than usual but I promise I’ll have a nice long chapter to make up for the briefness, but unfortunately it might not be until the weekend…or possibly next week :-/ sorry! School just started and things have been kinda hectic……and can you believe it? – I have homework already – on the first day! Grrr…

So yeah, I’m really sorry if the next chapter is late but there’s nothing I can do about it. I’m kind of busy with sports etc and my mom doesn’t like it when I’m on the computer all the time (in fact she’s throwing me dirty looks right now lol). :D so, yes, I will try to write…I’ll probably have time this weekend, although Sat.’s kind of busy. Well, okay, I’ll stop blabbing now. Here’s the next bit!!!

Gracias! <3 vb123321

Chapter Thirteen

♥            Astrid         ♥

            For the first time in two and a half years, I was crying.


We were all so exhausted that once we settled into our rooms, we decided to go to bed at once. So much had happened that day, it was mind boggling. I had gone from watching a drug dealer crony commit suicide to walking on the side of a building to getting in a mild car race to getting almost-hijacked in a French train. It was enough to make a normal person go psycho – but luckily, I was far from normal.

Sadie set me up with a sleeping bag and pillow on the floor and I lay there for two hours, struggling to fall asleep, and playing back the day’s events in my mind.


            Stephen. Of all the coincidences…


            The SIS. Why the heck were they here?


            My thoughts were flying at five million miles an hour and there was no possible way I could fall asleep, although I was bone-weary. Around ten thirty, Sadie came in, undressing quietly and getting into her bed. I must have sighed or something, because the next thing I knew, she leant over to look down at me.

            “Not asleep, then?” she said, smiling crookedly at me. “Here–” She threw me her iPod and headphones. “Listen to this; it works miracles making you fall asleep.”

            “You sure?” I asked, and she nodded. “Thanks.” I took them gratefully, saying good night to Sadie and plugging myself in. I scrolled through the playlist, realizing with a pang that I hadn’t listened to some of these songs in ages. I had even less of a life than I thought I did. My eyes fell on one in particular, and I stopped at it, hitting play, and staring up at the ceiling.

            “’Cause I’ll miss you… and I’ll need you… and now I wonder…if I could fall into the sky, do you think time would pass me by? ‘Cause you know I’d walk a thousand miles if I could just see you…tonight.”

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