Chapter Eight

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They had taken the carriage into town. The weather was exceptionally pleasant with a subtle breeze stirring the trees that dotted the land and white, fluffy clouds drifted languidly across the bright, blue sky. The sun emitted warm rays of light upon the township and its inhabitants crowding the cobblestone streets.

Ginelle stayed close to Lucile as they ushered their way through the crowd of bodies jostling through the market. There was a combined smell of freshly baked bread and the rancid odor of raw fish clinging to the air. Ginelle gasped just as a chicken released a high-pitch cry and hustled past her feet. A stray dog stood off in the corner street barking repeatedly at those who dare get too close.

Vendors stood aside, eagerly persuading bystanders to examine their merchandise. The crowd contained men in top-hats and fancy threads; women garbed in genteel attire clung to the arm of their gentleman and children of the street nudged their way through the crowd after a tiny ball dancing between the many sets of patent-leather boots and dainty slippers.

Lucile was unaware of the clamorous array, so absorbed in her task the older woman hastened through the crowd with swift strides towards her intended destination. Ginelle struggled to keep pace with the housekeeper as her eyes danced warily through the crowd.

She tried to convince herself that she was safe. Would he single her out in this vast crowd?

Her fear kept her on edge and aware of every motion. It was her keen observation that made her come to a sudden halt in the hub of bodies crushing her. She could just see Lucile's ample frame disappear in a flood of color as men and women swept by her.

Her gaze fixated on a small child, a tiny boy, slipping close to a cart consisting of sweets. She felt her heart constrict as the child peered around, his sad eyes sunken in his small face as he looked to see if anyone noticed his little body creeping toward it.

When he thought no one watched, he reached up with much strain to wrap his little fingers around a candy.

It came so suddenly, neither Ginelle nor the small boy expected it. The vendor stepped forward without warning and slapped the boy down. Ginelle inhaled sharply; horrified as she recalled the fear she felt that day she attempted to take an apple.

She knew the vendor would retaliate and she could see the utter terror etched into the child's face as she pushed her way through the crowd toward the boy.

The vendor's face flushed a vivid red as he reached within the cart and seconds later withdrew a folded object from within. Ginelle's eyes widened in profound horror as he unraveled the object and revealed a bullwhip. The long, leather lash spiraled to the ground and the vendor twisted his wrist to situate it between his hands before extending it above his head with the intention of bringing it violently down on the boy.

Ginelle couldn't bear the idea of the pain the boy would suffer and she wouldn't stand for it. Taking the risk of being struck dead on, she rushed forward and firmly placed herself between the vendor and the whimpering child. She knelt at the child's side, quickly assessing the boy for injuries.

The vendor blanched and lowered the ugly whip but his hand remained firm as he gripped the handle. He narrowed his eyes at her and hissed through clenched teeth, "Get out of my way, woman." He growled, "I will teach this boy a lesson."

Despite her fear and the curious audience growing around them, she remained firm, determined to protect the child. "I will not!"

A Love WorthyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon