19: Shake it off

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Chapter 19: Shake it off

"Why don't you give me a piggy back ride Casperrr?" Audrey giggled. Her voice sounded too excited to my dismay.

"I won't and besides my name is Max"

"Whyyyyyy?", she whined.

"I can't" he grumbled.

I opened the door to see the utter mess my apartment had been transformed into. Cushions and shiny candy wrappers were everywhere. On the floor, sofas, even on my book shelves. How the hell did it get there?

Audrey on the other hand was running excitedly around the house while Max was on the sofa with a very bored expression on his face.

"I told you to take care of Audrey not turn her into a walking disaster"

"It's not my fault! Audrey didn't want to have the spinach lasagna you left for lunch so I had to give her all the candy that I found inside the cupboard".

I heaved out a frustrated sigh. Why was I putting up with this annoying entity again?

Ignoring the angry ghost I decided to fetch Audrey who was currently on the coffee table singing and using the flower vase as a mike.

"I stand up too left

Got nothing in my brain

That's what people sayyyy..."

Yeah that's Audrey for you. When she gets hyper, she loves to jam to Taylor Swift songs. With much coaxing I was able to get Audrey down the table and convinced her to take a shower. Currently I was ignoring Max as he didn't fulfill his responsibility like he was supposed to.

After Audrey was done I made her sit in front of the TV with Barney and friends on TV while I took a shower and changed into something nice to wear to the club. By then I was too tired to spend a night dancing among strangers but I had promised Casey.

I changed into a black sequined top and a baby pink draped skirt which landed just above my knees. I decided to go for my black wedges which was given by Roderick on my 17th Birthday when we were not dating.

Roderick and I started dating a year ago but before that we were best friends. Our parents knew each other really well as we were neighbors when we used to live here. My dad and Roderick's dad were both in the army, when my dad shifted from New York to Florida turned out his dad needed to transfer too. They bought houses close to each other at least they had someone close in this new city.

Roderick was my pal. We were the perfect partners in crime. We would go around the neighborhood calling ourselves the two musketeers, we thought we were too cool to have a third musketeer. Besides we were the new kids in Neighborhood, not many kids wanted to be our friends as they already had their own gang or squad as they call it these days.

Roderick was a year older than me, I think everyone assumed we were dating. We shared our first kiss when I was nine and he was ten under an oak tree behind out backyard as he was curious about how this kissing thing actually feels like. Of course nothing happened then, we were just kids but I remember hitting him with my stuffed toy and he promised me to never do it again.

We ended up going to different high schools as his parents were very much interested in sending him to a all boys school but we never lost touch with each other. Of course we got busy with our lives, I met Casey and Sophie while Roderick being the nerd he was started studying his ass off to enter a good college.

We would occasionally meet up. I had introduced him to Casey and Sophie while he introduced us to his senior high school friends. I even dated some of his friends. People would suggest we date but we would always laugh if off saying how we saw each other in our diapers and how we fart in front of each other all the time.

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