Chapter 22

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A/N: My loves! I promised you another update this week:)


Third Person's POV

A guard was taking off the handcuffs from Lauren's wrists. Then showed her the way to the visiting room. The guard was not allowed to step away from her side until seating her at one of the tables. Even after that, the guard had to be near by, monitoring every moment.

"Sit down, princess," the harsh lady guard chuckled, mocking her. Lauren kept her head down and ignored her. Looking down, she saw the orange jailhouse jumpsuit she had been in. It made her feel like a criminal. Her eyes were stinging, from all the crying she had been doing and all the rubbing, in order to wipe the tears off. "And be nice to whoever is actually willing to come see you," the guard huffed. "Let me tell you something, it's not your mommy this time," she wouldn't stop making fun. She purposely wanted to make Lauren feel worse than what she already had.

Lauren knew that it was useless to defend herself from the guard. That was only going to get her into more trouble. 

Lauren remained seated and waited for her visitors to come in. The doors were heard being opened. Lauren lifted up her head to see who it was. Her eyes widened when she saw who had come to visit her. Camila's parents. By the looks on their faces and the stomping, it couldn't be good.

Lauren sat straight up, in case of anything going wrong. 

"Where's my daughter?" Camila's mom almost leaned over the table, questioning furiously in Lauren's face.

"Ma'am, calm down," the guard said firmly. 

Camila's dad held her back, "Sinu, please just sit," he helped her to a seat, across from Lauren. Sinu was fidgety and her leg simply wouldn't stop tapping on the ground.

"Tell me where Camila is!" Sinu continued to demand about her whereabouts. 

Lauren's eyes flickered, "What do you mean?" she was confused. "You don't know where she is?" concern was heard in her voice. Her heart started racing.

"No," Camila's dad, Alejandro, looked down, hopeless. He was not blaming Lauren, like his wife was. Alejandro just wanted to know where his daughter had run to and if she was safe.

"You know where she is, tell us!" Sinu kept demanding. 

While Lauren was now worrying. Thoughts invaded her mind. The thought of Camila being out there alone really scared her. The last thing she wanted was for her to get hurt. The streets were dangerous for a young pretty girl like Camila to be out there all alone. Where are you Camz? Lauren tried thinking of any possible places where she could have went, but nothing came to mind.

"I don't know where she's at," Lauren felt tears escape her eyes. "Did she have any money with her?" she worried. 

Sinu sighed while Alejandro answered, "No."

Then she didn't go to Marilyn beach, Lauren thought to herself. Camila wouldn't go there without any money. 

"Maybe she's at a friend's house?" she thought.

"No! We already checked with all of her friends," Sinu put her head down on the table and cried her eyes out. 

Seeing her like that caused Lauren pain. Sinu was the one who put her in jail, yes, but she didn't hold a grudge against her. Lauren understood that she was only trying to protect her daughter. Besides, she couldn't possibly ever hate the woman who gave birth to Camila; the love of her life. Instead, she actually wanted to thank her for having and doing a wonderful job raising Camila.

Miss Jauregui (CAMREN)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara