Chapter 2

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I was vaguely aware of drifting in and out of consciousness. I dimly felt distant pain, but it was like it didn't belong to me. This somewhat reminded me of when I had been under anesthesia to have my wisdom teeth removed and had just started to come to.

My mind was foggy, and I had immense difficulty concentrating enough to even form a thought. I was dreadfully tired and didn't really want to wake up. One thing I was aware of was the searing heat. It was like I was about to have heat stroke. I tried to move, but was unable to. I was trapped in a small space, so tight that I could barely shift my arms or legs. The stale air was hot and stuffy. I drifted off again as my body was overheating.

I dimly heard faint voices and had the sense that the container I was in was being moved. My body was so cramped from my contorted position that I could barely feel my arms and legs. I tried to shift my position to ease the deep aches in my body, but there was simply no room, not even enough to so much as turn my head. I was just so tired... I dropped into sleep once again.

I woke up again, and this time my mind was mostly clear. I also realized just how much my body hurt from being in this position for so long. I had completely lost track of time and had no idea how long I have been stuffed into this small space. I wondered if I could break out of whatever box they had me trapped in. I listened, but didn't hear anything. If I can break out, this would be my chance to escape before they return and drug me again.

I couldn't move my hands to feel the walls, so I tried to push with my arms and legs. My limbs protested loudly and painfully as cramped muscles tried to move. There had to be a door or lid on this thing somewhere. I took a deep breath of the stagnant and heavy air before pushing again. I heard a crack echo around me. I paused, but if anyone was around, they may have not heard it.

I tried again and got another crack. It sounded like the wood by my feet was giving way. The heat that I had found so oppressive before seemed to lend me strength now. I kept struggling and pushing, pausing to rest frequently. It was nearly impossible to rest in cramped conditions with air that had been rebreathed who knows how many times. I felt starved of oxygen.

That thought sent some adrenaline through my system, and I pushed with all of the might that my weak muscles could muster. A cracking and tearing noise sounded as my prison split into two. The lack of confining walls sent me sprawling on the ground as I tried to recover.

I blinked bleary eyes at the odd red light above me. I took a deep breath of air. It was hot, but it was fresh and welcoming. My muscles were shaky and weak, and I struggled to roll over onto my stomach. I finally managed it and sighed in relief. I looked down and froze when I saw scaled claws near my face tense up, causing the sharp claws to extend slightly.

"Take it easy. You are not going mad. We are all in the same boat."

I jumped at the male voice in my head. Somehow, I knew that it originated off to the side. I turned my head and stared. A dragon was looking at me. That was the first word that came to mind at any rate.

His amber-colored eyes reminded me of a cat's with the slit pupils. His forelegs ended in four toes and a thumb, although his back legs had five toes. His long thin tail accounted for almost half of his length. His slim head looked almost dainty, and his narrow neck was almost as long as his arms.

I was kind of surprised that he didn't have any spines or horns. He reminded me more of a cute, winged lizard than a fierce monster. His tiny, shiny blue scales covered his entire body, although the scales on his stomach were a lighter color. He was a startling sky blue color that was probably tough to spot if he flew overhead.

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