1.13 - Not Anymore

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Dear Readers: So here we are - the end of Episode 1!!! All of these scenes thus far would add up to just about 1 hour on-screen, can you believe it? :)

To close out the first episode... a scene that's pretty short and (hopefully you'll find!) sweet  ^_^


Scene 13: Not Anymore

2020 B.C.


Was this earth?

It had to be. Even the dirt against her back felt bright and beautiful. It hummed with meaning, thrummed with life. By all the gods, she mused, this was the mortal earth, and this was life.

For a second, Clotho savored all the sights and scents and sounds. The risen sun, the morning dew, the sighing winds. She’d never really seen or smelled or heard a thing before. Only ever empty shadows. But here, on earth, was everything for which the shadows stood.

The second ended quickly—she remembered why she’d come.

She snapped upright, from where she lay.

The Book of Fate... It was not in her hands. Her heart, her newly truly beating heart, nearly sank to somewhere beneath the earth.

But then she realized that the scroll was not the only thing that had not fallen with her to this world.

Her white robes were absent as well.

From this, she guessed that all the trappings of her immortal self—her spindle, the scroll, and her clothes—remained back in the Cave.

A shiver rippled through her newly mortal frame. She wondered how she’d ever find her way home. She would never have imagined there’d come a day that she would miss that shadowed place.

Yet now, though she adored this earth, she missed the Cave with all her heart. She wondered where her sisters were. Her mother.

A foreign sound, from somewhere close.

Could those be human footfalls, Clotho thought?

Whatever the sound was, it echoed her breathing, the thunder of blood from her heart through her veins…

She rose carefully, surveyed the scene. Some sort of garden, it seemed. Small pink flowers burgeoned in the vibrant greenery. Just blades of dewy grass below, and verdant leaves and blossoms all around.

Nothing remotely suitable for makeshift clothing...

The footfalls drew near. They were here.

Clotho turned, to meet the human.

Bay-blue eyes.

The man stopped in his stride. Beheld her as if he had never seen or felt a thing before, until this day. As if the earth were different now.

He spoke; they both were saved. “Are you waiting for someone?”

Her roseate lips lifted into a slight smile. “Not anymore.”


... And thus begin the Fates' adventures across world history!

Do those "bay-blue eyes" ring any bells? ;)  Are y'all excited for Episode 2??

To all my dear readers: a heartfelt THANK YOU!!!!! And if you liked the episode, or even just this scene - please don't forget to vote! :)

The Fates (Book I) - 2014 Watty Award Winner!Where stories live. Discover now