I. Beautiful Eyed Boy (edited)

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^Pic of Noah above^

I awoke to the mouth-watering smell of bacon and eggs.

Unfortunately, I couldn't enjoy the heavenly concoction thanks to the millions of tiny German men angrily grunting as their jackhammers plummeted into the sidewalks of my brain. Or, as many people better know it, I was hung over.

I groaned as I slung my arm over my eyes as I racked my brain in an effort to remember at least half of what happened last night. I remembered Jessie texting me to come over–or was it Anna?–but I turned her (whichever one it was) down knowing that she only wanted one thing, but I wasn't interested, no matter how good the boys said she was. That was the thing with me; even though I don't know if I'd fully accepted it or not- the fact that I might've been gay. Okay, not might've been. I was definitely gay. I shook my head, hating how much that word made my heart sink. Especially when I thought about talking to my Nonna about the subject that I knew so little about.

I shook my head once more, trying to get back on track. I remembered going to the Night Vixen, a lowkey club that you wouldn't know about unless someone told you. The building itself was a simple brick building that didn't give off "club" vibes from the outside, but once you stepped through the doors it was a completely different world. Glow in the dark body paint, lips locking, laughter, and best of all, no judgment whatsoever when a guy decided to french kiss another guy or when a girl decided to grind on another girl. It was a self-proclaimed "gay-straight alliance" club where gays are gays and straights are straights without one side having to worry about the other judging them or telling them to go to hell over something the latter didn't choose. And even though I was still trying to figure my heart and what it wanted out, I had to admit that it was absolutely amazing.

After arriving with my fake ID, I recalled dancing a bit before I started ordering drink after drink after drink...after drink after drink. I cringed at my carelessness as small bits of memory flashed through my head, as brief as lightning. Sharing laughter. Dancing on the dance floor. Watching a guy a handstand longer than my brain could hold information from school. But then I remembered a tall lean figure though I couldn't see his face. It was like someone had made a mistake and tried to erase it, leaving a dark smudge where the face should've been. Was it a girl? Not likely due to how fast I remember my heart beating. Had I finally met Ryan Reynolds but I'd been too drunk off my nuts to remember anything? I groaned again at the thought of meeting Ryan drunk. All the embarrassing nonsense I'd spew while messily leaning on him and trying not to fangirl. I cringed at the image. I was a very messy drunk. I was actually surprised that I managed to get home without Nonna beating me with her cane because of how intoxicated I was. At the thought of Nonna, my mind went back to the amazing smell that was hanging heavy in the air and making my stomach growl.

I lazily lowered my arm from over my eyes and opened them, but I quickly shut them again due to the bright light that had instantly stormed into them. I must've forgotten to close my curtains last night. I let out a few curses as I slowly sat up, my head pounding with a German fierceness and my mouth with the dryness of the Sahara desert. My feet hit a soft plush material that I didn't recognize. My room had hardwood floors without a single rug in the room except in the bathroom that I shared with Nonna, and I knew she wouldn't put anything in my room without telling me first.

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