Chapter 16: It's Just Like That Time

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I continue staring at my school that was covered in smoke. Suddenly there were a few men in black approaching the field and I quickly crawled behind a tree to hide. My ears picked up the sounds of their feet crushing the newly cut grass. My hearing became more sensitive after the events my father had put me through.

"All clear here." One of them said to the other. I keep my breathing shallow as I waited for them to walk away. Once they did, I climbed onto the tree which had a clear view of every building of the school structure. I could see everybody was being held hostage in the classrooms which made me realized I was the only one and I needed to get out of here.

I climbed back down and sneaked between the trees, being careful not to step on the dry leaves. When I finally made it to the entrance of the field, I noticed the same two men. How I was gonna get through was a mystery to me. Just then I spot a soccer ball sitting in a mud puddle, perfect. Gross, but perfect. I rolled the ball in the mud and tried not to gag at its disgusting slushy sounds.

I pick it up and stepped out of the shadows. "Hey!" I caught their attention and when they looked at me I threw the ball. It hit the face of one and bounced off to hit the other. They both started spluttering mud and I took that as a chance to run. I snatched the guns from their hands on my way out such that they couldn't shoot me.

I avoided every guard I saw and attacked only those in my way until I made it to the canteen. There were about 8 guards stationed here. I stare at the guns in my hands, first time for everything. I quickly map out my route. Here goes nothing. I shoot two men in their right shoulder and the impact almost made me lose grip on the guns but I quickly rolled towards the bins. As I sat upright a bullet shot near my left foot, making me flinch. "Come out with your hands up!" I wasn't gonna give up, I made it this far.

I look between the gap to see 3 men pointing their guns at me. Shit. I check to see i have 25 bullets left in total, can't afford to waste them. I quickly poke out from the side and shot the one in the center in the stomach. The two stare at him in shock and I took that few seconds as a chance to jump behind the vending machine. I look to see its the one that students are always talking bout how its mechanism is broken and gives an extra soda or two. Soda! That's it.

I use my fist and hit the spots that I usually see the students hit. Lucky me, 5 cans rolled out which meant it really was a broken machine. The two guards were now approaching me and I quickly shake 2 cans. I stick the guns into the back of my shorts and jumped out, with a flick of my thumb I opened the cans and as expected the fizz shoots out and right in their faces. They stumbled backwards and I took that chance to run away but not before picking up the remaining 3 cans. 3 guards started chasing and shooting at me, I ran in a random zig-zag such that they couldn't properly aim at me.

I threw the cans one at a time which made one fell from slipping while the other 2 got hit somewhere on their body. That was good news but the bad news was it didn't slow any of them down. I quicken my pace and finally turned the corner into a janitor's closet and I heard the 3 ran past. I breathe a sigh of relief and brushed my fringe out of sight.

Once I was sure there wasn't anyone, I stepped out and turned back the same corner to run. Unfortunately, I ran into someone and they grabbed my wrist firmly which prevented me from trying to run away. While I struggled, I tried to use my other free hand to take out one of the guns to shoot him. But he knocks it out of my hand without effort and I was about to put up a fight when he pulls me towards him and embraced my body which I never noticed was shivering.

"It's okay." Two words, that's all it took. I felt every tense muscle in my body relax and before I knew it, a tear slipped out. Not out of fear, but of relief. I grip his shirt as if he would disappear if I let go. After mother passed on, I've never felt any comfort and feeling it after so long made me relax. He undoes the embrace but holds me by the shoulders, as if understanding how I felt. "Hey!" The 3 guards were coming back and they had seen us.

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