Chapter 4: Ronnie

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I have anything but a goodnight slept.  Dreams keep waking me up.  Kimberley has to keep putting me back asleep, reassuring me everything was alright.  Every time I remembered the scars on her arm, it gives me shivers, another memory to keep me up at night. 

                When I finally can’t sleep anymore and get up for the last time it was 1200 in the afternoon.  Kimberley was already up eating something at the table pushed up against the wall. Logan is sitting across from her and they seem to be talking.  I yawn and swing my feet over the bed.  Kimberley suddenly shoots her eyes towards me, like a hawk.  I walk, my eyes half open, and sit down in one of the chairs at the table.  I look down at a plate that Logan sets in front of me  It consists of two huge pancakes, some fruit, two links of sausage and a ton of whipped cream on the cakes with a tall glass of orange juice.  I am starving.  I gobble down the fruit and sausages and work on the pancakes. 

                As I am eating Kimberley and Logan are watching me.  “Hungry?” Kimberly giggles as I stuff myself with the meal.  I just smile and keep eating my breakfast. 

                “Alright after you’ve had your fill I’ll take you guys around the place.”  Logan says, walking over to one of the dressers and takes something off it.  “Here I got some clothes for you, hope they fit.”  He hands me the pair of clothes.  There is a long sleeved black shirt with a black skirt with long leggings and a belt for the waist.  Also a black half jacket covered the top half of my body.  Kimberley has almost the same outfit, but hers came with a full jacket and no skirt, also a sleethe that went over her shoulder and across her front side.  Probably for looks because nothing is strapped onto it.  Black boots that come up about half way to our knees are also for us.  I felt pockets on either side of the boots; knives were put into them, our first weapons. 

                Kimberley is already changed, I notice, so I go into the bathroom and take off my white garments and quickly slip on the new attire.  I pull half my hair back into a ponytail and leave the back hanging down.  I look in the mirror at my new self, I hardly recognize the person staring back.  I feel the knives pressed up against my leg’s calves, I am becoming an outsider, weather I like it or not. 

                As I step out Logan and Kimberley were waiting.  Kimberley gasps and Logan smiles and nods in approval.  “How do I look?”  I ask spinning all the way around showing them the whole outfit. 

                “It suits you.”  Kimberley says putting an arm around me.  I feel myself blush and look at Logan. 

                “Very nice,” He compliments.  “Come on there is much to show you.”  He walks out the door knowing we will follow.  I was the last one out and shut the door.  The outfit is comfortable and it feels like I can do anything in it, even sleep.  As Logan pushes a button to the elevator I walked over to the railing.  Looking over it and seeing many people roaming the lobby now not like last night.  Some older than others, some wearing the same uniforms or outfits, some are talking on the couches or going into the restaurant for lunch.  I can see the name of the restaurant, Ernie’s. 

                “Best food there, by far, I must say.”  I jump a little, hearing Logan come up behind me.  I look up at him and grin.  He puts a hand on my shoulder, “Come on let me show the training area.” 

                As we walk out of the elevator the second time I didn’t feel as woozy as I did first time, but I am still was getting used to the fastness of the device.  I sigh and stand up straight.  The lobby was full of life now.  Commanders were talking to each other, people walking down halls, and people coming in and out of the Lodge.  One of the men catches Logan’s eye.  “Commander Logan, what are these two kids doing here?”  Again I feel Kimberley tense up but I don’t hide behind her.  He wears cameo pants and a long sleeved, black shirt.  Dog tags are dangling around his neck and bulging muscles are easily seen through his shirt, almost as big as Logan’s.

 Logan turns to the man with narrowed eyes.  “I spoke with Sergeant McCarthy, she has allowed them to stay and train to become soldiers.

                “Logan, I can’t allow this, we don’t need more mouths to feed!”  Logan stares at him.  It looks like they were having a staring contest. I’m rooting for Logan. 

                “Just because I beat you for head commander, doesn’t mean we should have this quarrel with each other.”  Logan exclaims.  “We can’t keep fighting like this, not forever.”

                “Watch me, forever is not as long as you think.  I will become head commander one of these days.  Carson will soon see that, and I’ll over take your spot. Many soldiers died because of you. If Carson chose me many people would’ve been spared in this war.” The man sneers.  Logan’s eyes are wide but soon looks down. “Don’t you have somewhere else to be James?”  He sighs.  The man, James, huffs then stares down at us.  “What are you going to do with these two?” He nods towards us.

                “They are my new apprentices.  They shall learn how to become soldiers,” Logan growls taking a step forward.

                “Right, remember the last time you tried to train a young apprentice? She ended up exploding in a bomb attack.”  Logan steps back and his stomach tightens.  I see his expression go to sorrow and his face turns red. 

                “Do you have to remind me of that now?”  He mutters through his teeth.  James smiles and crosses his arms over his chest, “Just want to make sure that these ‘apprentices’ know what their getting into.” He glowers at us then looks up at Logan.  Logan’s upper lip cringes up and James smiles and walks away.

                “He has no right talking to you like that; he is just plain mean, Logan.  Don’t worry about him.”  I scold, looking up at Logan, but his expression doesn’t change, “Logan he’s nothing, don’t get so down on yourself, forget him!”

                “I can’t,” he sighs.  He starts walking away, his head down in shame. Kimberley and I exchange a glance, then decide to catch up with him.

                “Why not?” I ask coming up next to, him curious.                            

                Logan sighs, “He was also a runner for head commander when Carson was moved up to Sargent but Carson chose me.  He is now the second commander right behind me.  I can’t forget him but he can’t forgive me.”

                “Why can’t you just not see him, stop thinking about him he’s worthless!” Kimberley scowls. 

                Logan chuckles a bit then becomes saddened again, “I suppose I should just tell you.”  He walks over to one of the couches and sits down.  We sit in two chairs across from him sitting at the edges, eagerly wondering what he has to say. 

                “Remember how I told you my parents were murdered and one of my sisters was killed.”

“Yah, and you, your sister, and your younger broth-“suddenly it went off in my head.  I snap my head around catching the last glimpse of James walking into the restaurant.  He turns his head to a man and I watch as he gives the man some orders. I see it the resemblance and my throat clogs.  “No, no, no, no is that possible, is that right?  I mean . . . really?” 

                Logan just closes his eyes and nods, “Yes, James is my younger brother and Carson, who you met last night, is my older sister.”

                My eyes widen and my heart stops.  That smart mouth, jerk is Logan’s brother, and crabby Carson was his sister? “So, Sargent McCarthy, is your sister?”

                “When Carson chose me over him he thinks she favors me, of course she doesn’t we’re family, but ever since that day he has hated me.  I try to knock some sense into him but he won’t listen,” he leans forward and bows his head, “I’ve never stopped loving him or trying to protect him but James is different now, grown up, and holds grudges.”  He sighs.  Kimberley puts a hand on his shoulder, “I’m sorry . . . he still could come around you never know.”

                “I’ve tried so many times but no, he hates me.”  We were quiet for a moment then Logan stands up, “Alright enough about that.  Come on, we have to keep moving if you guys want to see everything.”

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