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"I know that you're not on good terms with Zane, but--"


"Will you please let me--"


"What is your problem?!" Angelica yelled out in frustration, causing the entire room to glare at us. Small beads of sweat formed on her forehead, even though the room was fully air-conditioned.

"My problem is that I have to stay in a city I absolutely despise for longer than one week," I hissed, motioning to our audience to go back to whatever they were doing.

"That's not your problem," Angelica stated casually, flipping her long, shiny hair over her shoulders. "You don't hate New York."

She clicked her tongue, placed her elbows on the table, and rested her head on her hands. "Try again."

"You know the reason why I don't want to stay longer than a week in New York," I cried out, also placing my elbows on the table and resting my head in my hands. "I'll tell Yasmin I can't make it until the actual day of the wedding."

"You'll really disappoint her and Milan," Angelica said, a hint of sadness in her voice. She took a deep breath and continued, "It's been five years. Why can't you get over it, or should I say, get over him?"

"He chose her over me," I answered bitterly, clenching and unclenching my fists. "And I told him that once he broke it off with me, he no longer existed to me."

"That's really harsh, considering that he still cares for you."

"He doesn't care about me."

"Really? If he didn't, he wouldn't have broken up with Savannah the next day."

"It was one day too late. The damage has been done."

I don't care if I was harsh on him; he should have chosen his words wisely.

"He still asks me about you."

"I know... You've told me this numerous times. And I've already told you what to say. I hope you listened to me."

Angelica bit her bottom lip nervously, and I groaned even louder. I was so close to losing my temper. "Oh God, you still did it, didn't you?"

"I didn't want to lie to him. It's so unfair," she protested, looking at me from under her thick and unbelievably long eyelashes.

"It's not unfair," I cried out, facepalming myself. "What exactly did you tell him?"

"I told him exactly what you told me to say."


"Fine." She sighed, fiddling with the ends of her dress. "I just told him that you were doing great and that you work a lot, and-"

"Oh God." I wanted to slap myself. Angelica basically told him everything I specifically told her not to. "I'll call Yasmin tonight and tell her to find another bridesmaid."

"No!" Angelica yelled, making a couple of customers glance towards us...again. It wouldn't be a surprise if we got kicked out of this place. "Don't... You'll crush her heart. Please, Amari, don't act so childish anymore. The past is the past."

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