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The traffic this early in the morning was horrific

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The traffic this early in the morning was horrific. I held my breath as two large semi trucks drove uncomfortably too close to my small Prius.

"Oh, poor baby." I whispered to my girl. This car had taken me everywhere from my college days till now. It deserved far more respect on the road than the bullshit it was currently receiving from these two asshole truck drivers.

When I did finally pull into the dry cleaning parking lot, a wave of relief washed over me. It felt weird to have a bunch of expensive shit in my possession for an extended period of time.

"Hi!" a chirpy blonde at the service counter greeted me as soon as I walked in to the local dry cleaners.

She was far too peppy for any human to be, this early in the morning.

"Hi." I smiled back, lacking about 70 percent of the enthusiasm the cashier had.

"These are some very nice suits. Are they your fathers or something?" She asked me as soon as I plopped the twenty tons of clothing on the counter. I shook my head no.

"They are actually for my boss." I replied. Her eyebrows raised slightly as her eyes caught sight of the tags.

"It must be someone important if he can afford these brands... Jesus. Are you his assistant?" I gave her a nod.

"Something like that."

Aaaaand that was it.

The young blonde got all the clothing hung up on those long moveable machines, before taking my pass and scanning it. Then she waved me a quick little good bye and sent me on my way- all expenses paid for by a little black piece of plastic.

I made sure to stop at Joe's bakery for some coffee. Two sugars and a creamer for Mr. Ivanov, while I got an extra strong cup with two shots of espresso. Anything to wake me up this morning.

"Alex!" Joan called out as soon as I made it to the third floor. Her smile quickly dropped when she noticed I was in a casual shirt and some jeans.

"Oh god... it's happened. He's been fired." Derek whispered. Joan clutched her heart with her hand. They starting pulling out all dramatics.

"Oh you poor thing." She replied in a hushed voice.

I rolled my eyes at both of them.

"I'm on my way to run errands with Mr. Ivanov... I think. I'm actually not one hundred percent sure what we'll be doing today." I admitted. Joan and Derek let out the biggest sigh of relief as they grabbed the two cups of coffee I had set in the drink carrier. "Those aren't actually fo-" But I spoke too late as these idiots took the biggest gulps.


"This is really good, Alex. Thank you." Joan nodded gleefully. Derek spit his drink out as soon as he tried swallowing.

"This is really fucking strong- what the fuck." He snapped.

"Technically, that was supposed to be my coffee, you asshat." I shot Derek a look.

"Then who's was this..." Joan started. Her voice sort of trailed off when realization set in. "This is Mr. Ivanov's coffee, isn't it."

I gave her a nod.

Her eyes looked on with terror.

"Why didn't you warn me?"

"Well, technically, I did. Or tried to at least."

"Do you think he'll notice?"

"The dark red lipstick that has now stained the rim of  his coffee cup? Yes. Yes, I think he'll notice." Joan had basically made out with the top of that lid. "But don't worry about it. I'll just pick another one up on the way to wherever we're going."

Those were the last few words I had said to the gang before I made my way up to the fifth floor.


Christian welcomed me with his annoying presence as soon as I made it out.

The words he spoke were these: "What took you so long?"

How charming.

"City traffic." I replied.

Christian's tattoo's weren't visible any longer. Far from it. He was now in a long sleeve casual cotton shirt and some khakis. He still looked so different without a suit on, I almost didn't recognize him all over again.

"Let's head out." Brad nodded to the both of us. That surprised me considering Brad was still very much in a suit and far from anything casual.

I said nothing, but instead followed close behind the two as they lead me to a part of the building I had never been to. There was apparently another private elevator on this floor. One that didn't open up to any of the other floors, but instead, brought us into a parking garage.

Since when did we have a parking garage?Where in the heck was this when we had that hail storm a year ago? And every goddamn car got damage? Including my fucking Prius.

"We'll take one of the company's vehicles." Brad explained.

"Where are we heading?" I asked Mr. Ivanov. He gave me a shrug.

"We'll be heading to meet with a good friend of mine who's launching some camping gear under Ivanov Corp in a few days. We're going to go personally congratulate him." Mr. Ivanov replied. Brad lead us to one of the few black cars parked horizontally towards the back of the garage. They were all BMW's.

"Are these all company cars?" I asked in utter shock.

"Yeah. We rarely use them." Brad explained. I looked between the two of these rich fuck tards with pure malice.

Where were these cars when my car broke down mid transit to pick up extra letter head paper from the printing company? How was I just now discovering all this out about a company I've been working at for years?

Christian and Brad grabbed the front seats while I sat in the back. I felt like a kid getting driven to a field trip by two adult chaperones.

Being in the presence of Christian still made my hairs stand up. There was something about him that made him stand out from everyone else. Power- literal I can buy the last of your worthless existence power- radiated off him.

I was actually quite taken back with the similarities between Brad and Christian. They were almost identical in their mannerisms... besides Mr. Ivanov's issues with his quick temper. They reached for the A/C nobs almost in sync, then let out weird chuckles afterwards.

I wasn't sure what was up, but Brad was clearly something more than just a family attorney.



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