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While the Grey Order of The Concord is plotting how to take down the Yhemlen with a new planet-killer weapon, the vagabond humans below low orbit in the Old World are more unsettled than ever. Rumors are spreading of a new group spearheading an attack on the Grey Order. The Syndicate is a crime ring of vagabonds from internment camps on Earth. They communicate through a sophisticated system of misconduct and symbolic language across districts led by those who control the production and trade of goods to the low orbit station.

The Syndicate is considered the mafia of the Old World by the Greys in power. And they use this power to keep control of the populace on Earth. Grand visual demonstrations of power in low orbit by the Greys spurred a desire for vengeance in the humans. It has been a long time since any lasting rebellion came to fruition, but distractions have caused the Mirai and their Grey Order to mostly ignore the vagabonds. Now, a few brave friends are conspiring to take down the genetically mutated Greys.

Panopticon holding zones are designated throughout the world where vagabonds idle in poverty. Most countries have long been abolished. In their place, people congregate according to class rankings in labor camps that are leftover internment camps. Dilapidated arenas hold unique sporting events where they field games between tribes for money laundering, gambling, and even bartering popular items. Trade within these holding zones is unregulated. From the vagabonds' point of view, the Grey Order has primarily one need up there, and that's food. Despite their ability to artificially process sustenance, menial labor is still necessary to keep costs down. In return for their crop yield farmers are only given a meager allowance.

Recently, the vagabonds and Syndicate have been lacing the food supply chain with drugs and medicinal additives, disguised as spices and herbs. They want to ease the burden of the stratosphere and low orbit, human workers who are in pain. The business model is clever since they have an excuse ready for when they are caught by Greys. And since the Syndicate uses the same trade routes as standard business traders, the Grey Order has underestimated the Syndicate's acumen for capital gain in the black market. Captain Gereon of the Heinemann clan has had his interactions with a few smugglers on Earth to quiet aches and fevers himself.

To the Grey Order's dismay, most of the vagabonds on Earth still cling to their religious mysticism. "It is the time of prophecy," certain vagabonds say. If only the Syndicate could get to the main loading hub orbiting in the upper atmosphere, they would have a way to reach the Grey Order's living spaces. The dirty gypsies in labor camps need to be educated too, but the Mirai have no desire to educate them at these distances. When the Sun moves into Sector 10 it causes a stir every year, starting around January of the western calendar, cosmic web interference can be detected strongly in leftover teleportation communications, like radio transmitters. It's Capricorn, they say.

Across parallel universes, the Yhemlen Overseers' astral stones are expected to transfer their viral radiation to a new set of bodies during the zodiac sign of Capricorn. The Syndicate does not realize they are not the rightful successors to it, but instead humans in another timeline. The Yhemlen's successors are Delphi Corp. scientists, to be exact if they can successfully return home and end the reptilian lineage. The Overseers' cosmic power remains in the consciousness, and bodies, of those with the closest contact to the original hybrid mutants.

The Syndicate's leader Alon Blane has been obsessed with ancient texts to prove that revelations are coming true. He has been able to evade authorities acting as a delivery driver across districts to leave internment camps. It is teleportation modules, he believes, that will rapture the few rebels left and help to take down the Mirai. The teleportation modules will give them the ability to move undetected by the Grey Order and even transport people instead of just crops.

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