Chapter 28: Why Care

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(Racquetball says hello.)

He couldn't believe that Pascal had actually been drooling while staring at him! The guy was seriously a horny bastard and creepy as hell. He spent most of his nights at strip clubs, too. Tayn could easily smell half the whores in the state on his body over the past year. Each and every time he'd come back to Larro's place when he wasn't working he'd been drunk as hell and wondering why he didn't want to have sex with him.

While Tayn fumed on the inside his outer expression remained completely neutral as he helped Pask load up the car. He was smart and stayed a good distance away, keeping his eyes on the ground since he knew that he would attack him if he caught him being disgusting again. Tayn really did try his best to get along with him when Larro was around, but there was only so much of the guy he could stand.

He hadn't realized that he was growling as he fished out a cigarette until Larro snatched the small cancer stick from his hand and tossed it somewhere over his shoulder.

"Time to go." He said.

Could have just let me put it back in my pocket.

He knew that he wanted him to quit, though, and Larro thought that taking away the cigs would stop him from getting them and end the cravings. Not likely. Larro had been the one who had given him a good amount of the money he'd used to buy them, but he really did think that he could stop if he got a little extra support and managed to get his hyena weened off the disgusting things. He hated their taste, even the flavored ones made his stomach churn, but when he got stressed out they were right there and more than willing to help.

The drive was comfortable with Pask asleep in the back. Tayn knew that he wouldn't sleep well in the hotel room due to his past that Larro had hinted at a few times before. He sneaked a glance behind himself about an hour into the drive and saw that Pask was snoring away leaning against the piled-up bags. He had no idea why the guy was so intent on getting in his pants when he always had people jumping at him.

He couldn't argue that the man was hot and when he wasn't trying to dry hump him or undress him with his eyes he wasn't terrible to be around, but those times were getting fewer and further between. Now, every time they try speaking to each other Pask starts talking normally but then suddenly begins licking his lips or even moving his hips. Tayn knew that sometimes he didn't even notice, but it was seriously starting to wear on him.

I need a cigarette.

Feeling a soft pat on his head, Tayn looked over to see Larro giving him a soft smile. The guy knew he hated pep talks but the occasional touch was always welcome, especially from his savior.

Larro had been the one who had taken him out of the hellish life he'd had and Tayn would give anything to make him happy, even his own body if he had asked for it. Two years ago he'd been a stripper at a club being used by one of the most ruthless gangs in the United States. He was first attracted to the job because of the money, like most other people there, but when the boss took a liking to him, he began having to do private shows and personal favors for clients. Granted, he was never forced to go all the way, but his time there had slowly quieted his demeanor. He used to be one hell of a party animal in high school. Would probably have put Pask to shame if he ever saw how he'd used to be able to dance and drink.

The memories actually had him smiling slightly, which got Arron's attention as he pawed at the edge of his lips in his cheetah form. Larro definitely got himself a nice boy. Too bad he would have to give him back. Arron was everything he'd heard Larro asking for when he thought no one was listening. For the two years he'd lived with him he'd heard him whispering in his mind about how much he wanted a son, even if it meant adopting one of a different shift species. He just wanted a kid who would love him, and in return be open to receiving all the love he could give. It was unfortunate that his past wouldn't let him go no matter where he went. Hopefully Arron's mother would never find out what Larro had done, because Tayn have a feeling that he wanted to be able to visit the kid.

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